Thursday, 29 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #55.

"I have lived in the UK long enough to give informed advice on how to raise children. I have seen them in church, in society and in the criminal justice system as a lawyer. I have raised three adult children in the system. I have seen my dear wife work with children for the last 30 years and she ended up with a degree in Early Childhood Studies. 
Raise your children well from their early years. There will not be a magical transformation in their growth. There will hardly be a sudden transformation in their development. Whatever you don’t like in their life, you should change as a responsible parent. Children will become a bigger picture of who they currently are. Be particular about their choice of friends. Pay attention to their characters and attitude. Discourage laziness. Instil confidence in them. Tell them they are not inferior. I tell my children and church members regularly. 
If you cannot control their association because of the environment that you live in, please change accommodation. Change schools if they keep getting in trouble or you are seeing dangerous traits. We had to move from a particular borough when we saw some bad characters around. One of the boys then had 5 children by the age of 23 and he was not working. 
My GP of 32 years is an Asian. He is like a father to me. When my children were very young, he said if I have two houses, I should sell one to put them in private schools to penetrate this society. He said alternatively, I should do everything to get them into grammar schools. I did not understand him then but I do now. 
Whilst many African children are becoming TikTok and Instagram nuisances, the Asians are raising their children well, pushing them into private schools, grammar schools and top universities. They are also not letting go of their culture. Their children understand and speak their language. It is my fellow Nigerians that even their children living in Nigeria do not understand their language. We love everything foreign. Sophisticated madness!
Most Asian children in the UK become ‘lawyers, accountants, doctors’ etc before their graduation. How? They work in settings either founded by their parents or relatives whilst still studying. Africans should start setting things up rather than letting our children get work experience in casinos, Tesco or Lidl. Most of their children come out of university with good grades and no debt. Some African children come out with poor grades as they had to work whilst studying to foot some bills. They come out of university with debts they pay for years. 
Finally, get involved in your children’s choices of career. Advise them. Counsel them. Don’t make an irresponsible statement that as long as they enjoy it. What they enjoy may not benefit them and can make them ‘slaves’ in the UK system for years. I see a lot of depressed young black people who were frustrated by the system being led by those they were far better than. 
They give them jobs and pay them salaries. They systematically abuse them, suppress them and psychologically make them believe they are second-class citizens. Eventually, they get rid of them or they resign out of frustration..."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"People aren't afraid of the Wrath of God anymore, because, 'Preachers' are out there telling people that God loves them unconditionally."-R.C. Sproul.

"Demystify your bank. The people there are not more intelligent than you. Stop entrusting them with your money and start using your money to compete with them. What are they doing with your money? Most banks invest your money in the S&P 500, or other mutual funds, like the Russel 2000, and the Wiltshire 5000. What is stopping you from doing the same? It is your money that makes banks rich. You, too, start using it to make yourself rich. Turn to a ghost, then return at your most! Avoid people, situations and places that make you spend unnecessarily. That is the only way you can save enough money to invest. If not, you will not acquire enough remuneration to change your location. If location does not affect your manifestation, God would not have asked Abram to leave his father's house. The reason you are not successful may be because you are too comfortable in your father's house. Relocate to where God can allocate your success mandate."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Curriculum vitae and a resume as an integral part of the job search process: Our consulting organisation’s offerings to customers.

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #54.

"People Who Lack Meaning in Their Retirement Years Usually Have These 9 Daily Habits"
"Retirement should be about relaxation and fulfillment, but for some, it’s a time of restlessness and discontent.
The root cause often lies in our daily habits. 
Certain routines can leave us feeling empty, especially during the golden years.
Let’s talk about the nine daily habits often found in people who lack satisfaction in their retirement years.
1) Waking up without a plan
Retirement ushers in a lot of free time. While this might sound like a dream come true, it can become a nightmare for those who haven’t figured out how to fill those hours.
The retirees who often find themselves feeling aimless usually start their day without a clear plan. 
Having a plan doesn’t necessarily mean being busy every moment of the day – it’s about having a sense of purpose.
Change starts first thing in the morning. 
Waking up with an idea of what you want to accomplish during the day can help instill a sense of purpose and direction.
2) Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle
My uncle, for example, was an active man throughout his working years. But once he retired, he started spending most of his time in front of the television. His daily routine involved minimal movement and physical activity.
Over time, he started to appear less energetic and more dispirited. He seemed to lose the spark that once defined him.
From my observations, I realized that lack of physical activity can lead to both physical and mental health issues. It’s so easy to fall into a routine of inactivity, but it’s crucial to keep moving, especially during retirement.
Physical activities don’t have to be strenuous or complicated. 
Something as simple as a daily walk around the neighborhood or gardening can make a significant difference.
3) Neglecting social interactions
We’re social creatures by nature, and retreating into isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.
Research from the University of Chicago has shown that loneliness can significantly increase the risk of premature death in people over 50.
Retirees often fall into a habit of minimizing their social interactions due to various circumstances such as mobility issues or the passing of friends.
Whether it’s joining a local club, volunteering, or even just catching up with friends over coffee, staying socially active is an essential part of leading a fulfilling retired life.
4) Living in the past
Some retirees find themselves stuck in a cycle of nostalgia, pining for their old routines or mourning their lost professional identity. This can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.
Instead, it can be more beneficial to embrace the present and look forward to the future. Retirement is an opportunity to explore new hobbies, learn new skills, and create fresh memories.
5) Ignoring personal growth*/
Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you stop growing. Personal development is a lifelong journey, and retirement provides the perfect opportunity to focus on it.
They may feel that they’ve learned all they need to know, or they may simply lack the motivation to try new things.
Neglecting personal growth can lead to a stagnant life, devoid of challenges and excitement. Whether it’s learning a new language, picking up a musical instrument, or even starting a small business, there’s always something exciting and rewarding to learn.
6) Forgetting self-care
It’s easy to get caught up in routines or in taking care of others, but your own well-being is just as important.
Self-care is not just about physical health – it’s also about taking care of your emotional and mental health. 
This could be spending time doing things you love, treating yourself every now and then, or simply taking a moment each day to relax and breathe.
Ignoring self-care can lead to stress and burnout, even in retirement.
7) Skipping meals
Eating a balanced diet is key to maintaining good health, especially as we age. Yet, it’s surprisingly easy to slip into bad eating habits.
I remember a period in my life when I was dealing with some personal issues and found myself skipping meals frequently. It was almost as if I had lost my appetite for both food and life. Over time, this took a toll on my physical health and reflected on my emotional well-being too. It was only when I started paying attention to my eating habits that I began to feel better.
8) Avoiding new experiences
Suddenly, you have the time to explore those interests you’ve always put on the back burner.
However, some retirees resist new experiences. 
Sticking to what’s familiar may feel comfortable, but it can also lead to a lack of stimulation and excitement.
Avoiding new experiences can eventually make life seem monotonous and dull. Conversely, embracing novelty can bring about joy, discovery, and a renewed sense of vitality.
9) Neglecting mental health
Mental health is just as important as physical health, especially during retirement. 
Yet, it’s often neglected.
Ignoring signs of anxiety, depression, or loneliness can lead to severe mental health issues over time. It’s important to stay proactive about your mental well-being. This could involve maintaining a positive mindset, practicing mindfulness, seeking professional help when needed, or even simply talking to someone about your feelings.
Final thoughts: It’s about purpose
Whether it’s volunteering, learning a new skill, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, having a sense of purpose can make all the difference in our golden years. Remember, retirement is not an end but rather a new beginning. It’s an opportunity to redefine who you are outside your professional identity. Embrace this stage of life with open arms and a clear vision. Create your own purpose and fill your days with things that bring you joy and fulfillment."-Lucas Graham.

"Never give up. Everyone has bad days. Pick yourself up and keep going."

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #53.

"It is never said, "whom the Lord loveth He enricheth," but it is said, "whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth."-C.H. Spurgeon.

"Be so involved in developing yourself that you have no time left for negative people or negativity:
•Learn a new word daily 
•Exercise regularly 
•Pray each morning at night 
•Grow your business 
•Play with your family 
Make this your lifestyle and success will automatically be your lifestyle.
And don’t just learn for learning’s sake. Learn so you can apply what you learn in your business and personal life. 
Don’t allow your certificate fool you. Continuous learning is more than just formal education. Education. 
In fact, you will know the value of investing when you use your PhD to apply for a job in a form owned by a man who never went beyond secondary/High School. As I have said before, education cures illiteracy. It does not cure poverty. The best cure for poverty is investing!  
So invest. Have a hustle. Even if you have a job, still have a side hustle. You say you don’t which side hustle to do? 
Okay; here are 21 Side Hustles You Can Still Do With or Without a Full Time Job. All you need is a smartphone, a laptop and an Internet data. 
Crypto mining 
Amazon publishing 
Affiliate marketing 
Forex e-trading
Online marketing 
Web designer 
Shopify merchant 
SEO Optimisation
Survey taker 
Online tutor 
CV/Resumer writer 
eBay seller 
App creator 
Online music reviewer 
Project writer 
These are all solutions to the disease of poverty. Do not complain. Or find fault. Or sneer. Attempt at least one. All you need is a laptop and a smartphone. You already have one. You currently use it to gossip, chat and entertain yourself. Now flip it and use it to create wealth for yourself."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing in Four Days Without Beating About The Bush or Else Get a Refund.

Saturday, 24 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #52.

"Lassa fever cases are being reported. If you see a can that looks like this or appears dirty from improper storage, it may contain rat urine.
Make sure you wash the edges of the can before drinking. Or clean it, open carefully, and use a straw.
Rat urine  can transmit Lassa fever.
Repost: for awareness."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"I grew up without piercings in my ears
With my natural hair and plain face
I used to be teased and mocked about it
I still don’t have piercings
My hair is still very much natural and my face still plain
 Now I’m a role model and mentor 
I get compliments everywhere I go"-Deborah Ocheido's post on X-platform (2024).

"Stop disliking people from what others told you about them. Get to know people for yourself."-Anonymous author.

"Wake up daily and pray for your husband or your wife. 
It works and allows their ways to be smooth. There is nothing as powerful as the prayers of a praying spouse. Rather than fighting each other, pray for each other. 
Also, let your children pray for you from time to time. Kneel down, come to their level and you will know that they are little ‘g’ gods. 
These sinless little souls are loved by God and they are the future. God will not ignore their prayers. 
Rather than running from place to place, try this out and you will be glad you did. 
That is why you should not be living with your spouse as an enemy. You are each other’s prophet. 
It is well with you."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #51.

"The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living."-Roy T. Bennett.

"Three men, three crosses, one hill.
One man cursed, one man prayed, one Man promised.
One died condemned, one died forgiven, One died innocent.
One died in sin, one died to sin, One died for sin.
One was held by death, one was released by death, one conquered death.
One lost life, one gained life, One was life.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your sacrifice and eternal life only through You!"-Scott Roberts' post on X-platform (2024).

"No matter what you studied at university, also try to get a skill that does not require a certificate. If you depend on a certificate, it is easy to destroy you. You japa from Nigeria to Canada, and they do not recognise your certificate. So you have to start washing plates at restaurants and lying to people back home that you are a big boy. But if you learn a skill, like catering, fashion designing, millineries, trading, and event management, your skill is relevant in any country you relocate to with or without a certificate. Degrees limit you to a geographical location. Skills break down barriers and borders. Get degree. And get a skill. What that you will kill poverty anywhere you go!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"1. If you have heartburns, normalize sleeping on your left side regularly. This can be as effective as taking an antacid medication. 
2. Not having enough sleep every day can cause desire for sex, depression and addictions. Good sleep is therapeutic.
3. Don't fight over problems money can solve. Go and make the money first, then come back and solve the problem. Never feed your poverty.
4. Don't be afraid to drop what no longer serves your health and well-being including soda and sweetened juices.
5. Grow to the point where alcohol, processed sugars, and lack of workouts, make you feel terribly awful about yourself."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing in Four Days Without Beating About The Bush or Else Get a Refund.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #50.

"2023 was a terrible year for many international students who were deregistered by their universities, some died, some developed mental health issues and many marriages were destroyed. 
If you are planning to come to the UK to study, make sure you pay the majority of your school fees before leaving your home country. 
Paying a deposit of £2000 to £3000 out of £14000 is a joke. Hoping to work when you get here to pay the balance will give you depression or high blood pressure. It will also affect your academic performance. It can lead to premature death. 
Finally, the Home Office will be waiting for you at the end of your course to prevent you from getting the Graduate Visa or the Skilled Worker visa for overworking which is a breach of your visa conditions. 
Do not let the so-called agents mislead you. It is very, very tough here. If possible, borrow money in your home country to pay your school fees in full before coming here. It will be easier to pay them back once settled here than to pay the university here. 
Once the school fees are out of the way, it will be easier to survive here. 
A lot of foreign students have died here in the last two years. It was as a result of the unbelievable financial pressures, stress, accommodation and work issues. Don’t die prematurely. 
All the best guys."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Character Assassination: I would like to invite you to visit my web page entitled ‘‘Character Assassination’’ using the following link:
Please feel free to comment on the article. Thank you very much."-Aderemi Adeleye's post on Twitter (2020). Slightly edited.

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #49.

"As a writer, something incredible is always waiting to be known and discovered. Part of the joys of being a writer and a reader are the unknown worlds, characters, stories, words, and people waiting to be known and discovered. -Wrtr #amwriting ~ Keep Writing. #author #writing"-Writing & Editing's post on X-platform (2024).

"Good Morning 
John 6:35 
"And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." Amen" -Let Us Pray's post on X-platform (2024).

"Just had to share…
A rattlesnake bit one of my sheep in the face about a week ago.  The deadliest snake that lives around.  The sheep's face was swollen and hurt like crazy, but the old rattle did not know the type of blood that runs in the sheep. 
The antidote is usually made from sheep's blood. The sheep was swollen for about 2 days but the blood of the lamb destroyed the serpent's venom.  I was worried, but the sheep didn't care. He kept eating, he kept drinking, and he kept walking because he knew he was fine.
Don't worry about the serpent or his bite, just be sure that the Lamb's Blood flows through your veins. (unknown author)"-Dave Smith's post on X-platform (2024).

"1. Alcohol has no single health benefit.
2. No level of alcohol consumption is safe for your health.
3. Nothing like "drink responsibly", they just want the money.
4. Alcohol only makes people poorer, dumber, fatter, and sicker. 
5. Change for your own good.
Repost: for others"-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing in Four Days Without Beating About The Bush or Else Get a Refund.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #48.

This is the link to the video regarding this testimony:
I want to share with you something that happened on Tuesday that shook me to my bones…
This lady had dinner with her family some months ago. Just minutes after the dinner, she couldn’t move her neck. She told her mom & it seemed like something small.
Shortly before she went to bed, she couldn’t move her left hand & leg.
Her mom prayed with her & she went to sleep.
However, she woke up the following morning & couldn’t move any other part of her body including her head.
She was rendered invalid & totally immobile from neck downwards.
If she needed to wee or poo, she would be carried to the toilet. She was being fed, bathed & everything done for her.
She had been hospitalized for weeks.
However, she was brought into the Glory Dome of the 
 on Tuesday for the Healing & Deliverance Service.
She was however, brought out for prayers, & God’s servant 
 began to lay hands on her & work a miracle for her in that name JESUS.
Within a space of 10 minutes, she began to dance, jump & walk.
Her mom kept rolling on the floor & crying; her fiancé was also in tears..
As others on wheelchairs saw this miracle, their faith was strengthened, & they began to jump of their wheelchairs.
There was an explosion of miracles afterwards.
GOD DID THIS WONDER 🙇🏼‍♂️"-DON Tobechukwu Ade's post on X-platform (2024).

"This man on Oxygen is a Federal House of Rep Member.
He won the election last year, &was sworn in May 2023; immediately after being sworn in, he was attacked spiritually.
He had been on wheelchair ever since, & subsequently on Oxygen since September 2023.
Immediately that girl who was paralyzed from her neck down began to walk, jump & dance, his faith was energized, & he jumped out of his wheel chair, removed the Oxygen & began to praise God too.
This God ehn…
 requested he puts back the Oxygen & He should go back to the hospital so the doctors can remove it themselves after confirming he is free from the affliction."-DON Tobechukwu Ade's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #47.

"This is a message from a Nigerian living in the US, it's worth sharing!
"1. If you don't know how you are blessed, you will think your father's farm is worse than your friend father's farm.
2. $1 is ₦1.500 and so what?
3. Let me elucidate from my little experience. Can anyone in the US use $1 for breakfast? No!
4. But in Nigeria, ₦1.500 will give you breakfast and lunch.
5.Majority of people's monthly house rent (self contained apartment) in the USA is $1,000 and above... and that is your own 2 year's rent!
6. Have you ever paid for insurance before? Insurance in the US is $280 and that is almost ₦100,000 monthly.
7. When last did you pay monthly phone bills? I pay almost ₦40,000 monthly and if I don't, they are going to block my SIM. Your own MTN can be there for months without recharge.
8. When last did you work on Saturday and Sunday?
9. This I do compulsorily and on regular basis.
10. Don't get me wrong, the US is better than Nigeria, depending on which angle you are viewing it.
11. Do you want to hear the truth?
12. Many people in Nigeria live a more fulfilling life compared to their counterparts abroad.
13. Forget about all the packaging on social media and give credit to the good life you are living.
14. Do you know why Nigerians living in the US always rush back quickly whenever they come home visiting?
15. Because bills are counting and elongated absence (freedom) will put their lives in jeopardy.
16. If you, as a black person, attempt to emulate the whites, they will kneel on your neck.
17. Apart from Congo, no citizens in the entire universe enjoy life to the fullest than Nigerians.
18. You are abundantly blessed but you don't know until you get visa and relocate abroad, that is when you will know that your 8-hour job in Nigeria with free weekend is awoof.
19. With 11-hour job abroad, you can only pay bills, you need other 6 to 8 hours jobs to save for the future and plan your life.
20. The truth is that the grass is green everywhere, it's lack of vision greed of our leaders/politicians and the skewed religious practices (which placed emphasis on miracles) that ascended Nigeria onto a myopic tentacle of complete standstill.
21. Always thank God to wherever you may find yourself. Nigeria is good and will be better.
22. God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria"-Anonymous author.

Friday, 9 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #46.

There is Power In The Name of Jesus.
"There is Power in The Name of Jesus: I am a living witness to the awesome power in the name of Jesus and would like to invite you to visit my web page where this issue has been discussed in detail using this link:
 Thank you very much."-Aderemi Adeleye's post on Twitter (2020).
**Addendum: A comprehensive testimony regarding the amazing power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is hereby presented as follows:
"There is Power in The Name of Jesus''
"The decision regarding the caption of this blog-article was informed by an event that took place in my life in the year 2011 while I was still a graduate student in Aberdeen, United Kingdom. In other words, I would have died on the day that the said event happened in my life, precisely on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. However, I felt the awesome power in the name of Jesus on that fateful day (13-04-2011) when the Lord Jesus Christ preserved my life. Therefore, I owe the Almighty God a debt of gratitude for sparing my life as well as providing me with the opportunity to write this testimony. Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you very much. Please read the details of my testimony as follows:

On Wednesday, April 13, 2011, I was fast asleep as I laid on the bed in a room where I was living; the room was just a part of a three-bedroom flat located in Aberdeen, United Kingdom. When it was about 1:13am on that day (13-04-2011), I discovered that an organ situated around my throat known as epiglottis suddenly hit the top of my throat and blocked my throat while I was still sleeping on the bed. I became uncomfortable as I could not breathe in nor breathe out and I could not talk as well. I therefore opened my eyes and sat on the bed. I knew death was staring at me on the face and I needed to do something urgently or else I would be no more in a matter of minutes. No human being can stay alive without breathing for more than five minutes. While I was still being confronted with this problem, that is to say, not being able to breath nor talk as I sat on the bed; I whispered ‘‘JESUS’’ and immediately my throat that was blocked then opened and I began to breathe in and breathe out again. To God be the glory. The scripture says that ‘‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.’’-Proverbs 18:10. God Almighty honoured the name of Jesus and He decided to extend my life span here on earth on that day (13-04-2011). As at this day of writing this testimony (06-10-2020); It's more than 9 years now that this event happened and the Lord Jesus Christ is still preserving my life.  Thank you Lord Jesus! Again, the scripture states that ‘‘Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

‘‘That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;’’-Philippians 2:9-10

To further appreciate what the Lord Jesus Christ did for me on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 as already earlier stated, I would like every reader of this article to know that my case or experience would have resulted in death on that day if the Lord Jesus had not miraculously intervened in my life as He did. Examples abound globally of several people who slept in the night of one day but didn’t wake up the following day. Such people died while sleeping. Therefore, I would like to express my profound gratitude to God Almighty through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for sparing my life on Wednesday, April 13, 2011.

More importantly, I would like to state that JESUS is the only name that can deliver you whenever you are at the point of giving up the ghost in this world. No other name can do it. Remember ‘‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.’’-Proverbs 18:10. JESUS is the name that is above all names (Philippians 2:9-10).

Furthermore, I would like to implore you to let Jesus come into your life now; If you have not done so. I was formerly a Muslim until when I opened the door of my heart to Jesus after hearing the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ came into my life and saved my soul on Wednesday, October 7, 1980. This happened when I repented and confessed my sins to God in prayer. I also told God in my prayer that I forgave those who offended me. God forgave me all my sins and saved my soul that day (07-10-1980). God also performed a spectacular miracle in my body and I had unspeakable joy on the day He saved my soul (07-10-1980). It may interest you to know that I prayed to God in the name of Jesus when God answered my prayer on Wednesday, October 7, 1980 and saved my soul (John 14:13-14). Would you open the door of your heart to Jesus today? JESUS loves you!

**The author of this blog-article is Aderemi Adeleye."

"Eating late at night is a crime you shouldn't commit against your body."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"Jesus Saves!"
"Dear Brethren in Christ, testimonies regarding salvation in Christ and victories are presented in my web page entitled ‘‘Living Testimonies...’’ via this link:
Please would you tell the world how Jesus Christ saved your soul here? Thank you."-Aderemi Adeleye's post on Twitter (2020).

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment: 
so CHRIST was once offered to bear the sins of many; 
and unto them that look for HIM shall HE appear the second time without sin unto Salvation.
Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV"-JesusisComingBack's post on X-platform (2024).

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #45.

"✍️ Ivory Coast lost two out of three group matches but still got to the final. They had a second chance and took it seriously. Don't play with the second chance life gives you. Don't give up on yourself!
✍️ Ivory Coast were beaten 4-0 by Equatorial Guinea, yet they bounced back to the final while Equatorial Guinea got eliminated. Don't write anyone off. You won today doesn't mean you are the best. Don't look down on the person you defeated yesterday!
✍️ Ivory Coast mobilized support for Morocco to beat Zambia so that they can qualify. Some of those clapping for you now and supporting you may not be your real friends, they may just be using your success for their gain. Morocco went home after helping Ivory Coast to qualify to the final. Don't let anyone use you for any gain that doesn't benefit you.
✍️ South African goalkeeper stopped 4 penalties against Cape Verde and were so confident. They wanted the match against Nigeria to end in penalties so that they will win. But against Nigeria, he couldn't stop any penalty, instead the Nigerian keeper stopped 2 and won MOTM. Don't be too confident of yourself.
✍️ Nigeria scored a second goal that was disallowed because of an earlier foul at the build up. Goal was cancelled and SOUTH AFRICA were awarded a penalty. Such is life, when you think you have lost, God may give you a redemption to turn ashes into beauty.
✍️ Senegal didn't lose any match at group stage. But when they played against Ivory Coast that lost 2 matches, they were eliminated.
✍️ All the defenders were on Osimhen, they did all they could to stop him, even four of his goals were disallowed.....but they didn't take note of Ademola Lookman. Your real enemy may not be who you are thinking.....
✍️ Kelechi Iheanacho didn't play the previous 5 matches, he came in late into the 6th game and became the hero. All you need to be a hero could just be one kick and not 100 kicks, but if you have just one opportunity to kick the ball, do it 
#Copied."-Anonymous author.

"If you have high blood pressure or anxiety panic disorder, please avoid watching high profile matches especially if you support a team playing. The sudden gush of emotions that comes with such games can trigger a heart attack which can lead to cardiac arrest. May thier souls RIP!"-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"Sugary drinks ➡ tooth decay
Sugary drinks ➡ overweight
Sugary drinks ➡ heart disease
Sugary drinks ➡ kidney disease
Sugary drinks ➡ goutic arthritis
Sugary drinks ➡ type 2 diabetes
Sugary drinks ➡ high blood pressure
Sugary drinks ➡ deranged metabolism
Sugary drinks ➡ Liver disease
Learn to say no to sugary drinks!"-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

Monday, 5 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #44.

"Add garlic to your meals:
1. Boosts your immune system
2. Reduces cancer risks
3. Improves heart health 
4. Is very nutritious 
Garlic contains two nutritious compounds - allicin and alliinase -which help boost your immune system. 
Garlic also has significant amounts of vitamin C, manganese, calcium, and selenium, which are all vital nutrients."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"Don’t talk about your plans, no matter how relaxed the environment. Even if you are out drinking with ‘friends’, be quiet. satan did not know God’s plan. he guessed. he had to ask Eve. If Eve did not confirm it, he would not have known. No one can misquote silence. Even when Hannah prayed, she did not speak out. She spoke in her heart. Not everyone in church is Godly. When you shout your prayers in their presence, you may be informing an enemy. God is not deaf! God heard the woman with the issue of blood without her talking!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"1. Eat 1 egg. For your brain and nerves.
2. Walk. Use your legs. Take the stairs. Exercise. For your heart and blood vessels.
3. Don't take things personally. For your mental health.
4. Hydrate throughout. Have a bottle of water by your side. For your body functions."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"... Don’t think that your job alone can save you from poverty. Think of a chair. A chair needs four legs to stand on. But if you take off one leg, the chair may still stand on three legs. But once the legs have been reduced to two, that chair can’t stand. You need at least three streams of income if you want to stand above poverty!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Friday, 2 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #43.

"For cough, eat pineapple 🍍
For good eyes, eat carrot 🥕
For good gut, eat cabbage 🥬
For heart health, eat avocado 🥑"-First Doctor 's post on X-platform (2024). Slightly edited.

"1. For strong bones, eat dairy products 🥛
2. For healthy skin, eat tomatoes 🍅
3. For brain health, eat fatty fish 🐟
4. For muscle health, eat lean meats 🍗
5. For energy, eat whole grains 🌾
6. For immune support, eat citrus fruits 🍊
7. For hydration, eat cucumbers 🥒
8. For anti-inflammatory benefits, eat turmeric 🌿
9. For better digestion, eat yogurt 🍚
10. For antioxidants, eat berries 🍓"-Pharmahub's post on X-platform (2024).

"Another Banga!
I have spent the last 34 years of my life battling UK immigration authorities for my right to stay here or fighting to keep some immigrants in the UK as a lawyer. 
I have seen many immigrants develop mental health issues, commit suicide, become suicidal, become very sick, leave the country prematurely, or break their marriage and become a shadow of their former selves due to immigration challenges. 
When you leave your home country for another country, you are going to have unusual challenges because you were not born there. Therefore, manage your expectations. Getting the right to work or live in the UK is not automatic. Getting a settlement is not immediate. Join the queue. Also, the Home Office regulates how many people are granted leave to remain. 
They have a right to control the influx of foreign nationals into the UK and cannot allow everyone to stay here. 
It is therefore unwise to allow the fact that you don’t have status to mess up your life. Immigration status does not guarantee success. I can tell you that for free. 
For the first 10 years of my life in the UK, I did not have the right to work. I became a British citizen in 2001 but I have never had to use my status to work. No one has ever asked me. God made a way for me and it is an unusual grace. You can succeed without immigration status. 
In my time, making money online was not there but I survived and even built a 16-bed house for my late mother in my hometown. A real man will survive regardless. Be creative and resilient. Your family MUST not starve. 
Whilst you are waiting for your immigration status to be solved, think of other things you can do. Necessity is the mother of invention. There was Covid-19 and then online church took over. Many car parks no longer issue paper tickets. It has been automated. Don’t be stagnant and frustrated over nothing. 
Finally, immigration challenges can damage your health. I have seen that many people’s health problems deteriorate during the time of these challenges and by the time they are granted status, their health is no longer good. How are you going to enjoy your immigration status without good health?
Let me tell you how to survive:
1. Believe in God and serve him faithfully. He helped me. 
2. Marry your friend. Immigration challenges become a stepping stone. Bimbo my wife was sent by God. Do not allow immigration challenges to stop you from getting married. 
3. Have children whilst waiting. All three children I had during my immigration challenges are now lawyers like me. 
4. Build a house in your home country with the little that you have. 
5. Do online courses to add value while you are waiting. 
6. Manage your health very well. Do exercise regularly. Keep fit physically and mentally. 
7. Have hope in your future. I was overwhelmingly confident that my destiny could not be limited by my immigration challenges. 
8. Don’t be troubled by the progress made by your friends. Compete only with your destiny. Most of those who got their status before me are now watching me on television. Your time will come. 
I hope you have been encouraged."-Dele Olawanle's post office on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #42.

"When you compare Nigeria to foreign countries, don't just look at how much people earn over there. There are so many hidden costs associated with living in Europe and America than what you see on the gram. 
Take countries like Canada, America and parts of the UK. Public transportation in most Canadian and American cities is not like in Nigeria. You typically have to wait at least thirty minutes for a bus.  It's not like Nigeria, where buses come all the time. Vast areas of the UK are like that, though London has a spectacular, if aging, public transport network. 
So, you must own a car. Which brings its own challenges. To own a car in Canada and America, you need at least $1000 a month. I am not referring to fuel costs. I am talking about insurance, parking, tolls and licenses. Bloomberg actually says it is more (see attached Bloomberg headline). But I am trying to use myself as an example. 
In the UK, the costs are around £450 a month. Except you live in London, where daily congestion charges of £15 will apply. No. I am not joking. You don't pay, you go straight to His Majesty's Prison!
Then, to have access to a doctor will Then, to have access to a doctor will cost you an arm and a leg. And time. If you call today, you can get an appointment for June or July. Please note that we are in the first week of February. If it is an emergency, they will attend to you today. Yes, all those ambulances you see in movies will come. But give them three days after you recover, and they will send a bill. If you had known what the bill would be, you would have just kuku died in peace rather than die in pieces as you look for money you don't have to pay for a bill that would make Dangote wince!
Meanwhile, in Nigeria, you can see a doctor today. They will charge. Bit you can dobale, and bring your parents to negotiate a downward review of the bill. That is why Lagos is becoming the fastest-growing health tourism destination on Earth (Lagos. Not the whole of Nigeria. Please don't misquote me.)
Nigeria is not there yet. But in terms of security and ease of living, we are far better than many of the countries we want to japa to. The murder rate in South Africa is more than double the rate in Nigeria. And Chicago, New York and St Louis are world champions in murders. Please fact-check me. 
Let us avoid using our keyboards to de-market Nigeria in social media in a mistaken belief that when we japa, life will be a bed of roses. No. If you don't have a business that makes you comfortable enough to travel the world like me, two things will finish you in the West. Boredom or high cost of living. Mo ti so temi!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform 2024.

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

411. "Half truths, many lies: Fact-checking Kemi Badenoch" 2nd February 2025 By  Imoleayo Oyedeji "Since emerging...