Saturday 24 February 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #52.

"Lassa fever cases are being reported. If you see a can that looks like this or appears dirty from improper storage, it may contain rat urine.
Make sure you wash the edges of the can before drinking. Or clean it, open carefully, and use a straw.
Rat urine  can transmit Lassa fever.
Repost: for awareness."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"I grew up without piercings in my ears
With my natural hair and plain face
I used to be teased and mocked about it
I still don’t have piercings
My hair is still very much natural and my face still plain
 Now I’m a role model and mentor 
I get compliments everywhere I go"-Deborah Ocheido's post on X-platform (2024).

"Stop disliking people from what others told you about them. Get to know people for yourself."-Anonymous author.

"Wake up daily and pray for your husband or your wife. 
It works and allows their ways to be smooth. There is nothing as powerful as the prayers of a praying spouse. Rather than fighting each other, pray for each other. 
Also, let your children pray for you from time to time. Kneel down, come to their level and you will know that they are little ‘g’ gods. 
These sinless little souls are loved by God and they are the future. God will not ignore their prayers. 
Rather than running from place to place, try this out and you will be glad you did. 
That is why you should not be living with your spouse as an enemy. You are each other’s prophet. 
It is well with you."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #122.

336. " Stop wasting time searching for jobs on LinkedIn and Upwork. That's so old-fashioned!!! Here are 17 new and unique websites ...