Sunday, 17 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #2.


"One day the word 'soon' will be replaced by the word 'finally'."


 "Two economic lies that lead to poverty: 

1.Save money: Saving money is actually the same as losing money because inflation will destroy the value of your savings. It is much better to invest money than to save it since inflation rises faster than savings interest rates. If you need cash for an emergency, you can liquidate some or all of your investments: 

2.Work hard: The number one destroyer of health is hard work. And without health, you cannot create wealth. That is why many labourers die poor and in bad health. It is much better to work smart. Smart work means you do most of your work intellectually and use physical effort minimally. For example, you use a lawnmower to mow your lawn rather than a cutlass or machete. And then, instead of throwing away the cut grass, you sell it to farmers, herders, or livestock merchants, to feed their livestock. The rich don't work hard. Rather, they make money work hard for them. They also do not save money in banks. Go through the Forbes Rich List. You will never see bank balances as the reason anybody makes that list. Instead, the rich take loans from banks. Their wealth consists of assets they buy with that borrowed money, which are means of production of goods and services. Money in the bank is of no use to ANYBODY. Even the bank does not leave money in their vaults. They invest it. Why not learn what they do and then do the same with your money by yourself?"-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023)


''THE COMMON COMMONER: If you speak everywhere, attend every meeting, attend all parties and you are seen everywhere, you will soon become irrelevant. Many of you failed in business because you have become friends with all your customers and the business line has become blurred by too much familiarity. When they should pay you £500, they bless you with £80.00. Draw the line somewhere. As a lawyer, I will never allow a client to come and meet me at home. You must see me at my office. It is called a business relationship. If you attend and speak at every space meeting on X or any other platform, your voice will soon become powerless. If you attend every party in your locality, you will soon become a commoner. People will stop taking you seriously. So, I call you a common commoner. Even Jesus Christ hid himself sometimes. Learn to hide yourself even when you have nothing to do. I hope this helps someone.''-From Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Sad story''

 ''A man called his friend and said:

I need money, my mother is sick and I don't have money for medicine;

-His friend replied: “Okay, my dear friend call me at night” He called him but the phone was switched off.

- He tried calling again and again, until he got tired, and he went to look for another friend who could help him, but he couldn't find anyone..

 Sad and disappointed in this friend, who abandoned him and turned off the phone when he needed him the most

 - Returning home he finds a bag with medicines, near the pillow where his mother was sleeping.

 -he asked his brother who brought this?

 “Your friend came to get the prescription and brought these medications.

 - he left a while ago" the man smiled; with tears in his eyes, he went out to look for his friend

 - When he found his friend he asked where were you? I couldn't reach you anymore?

- The friend said to him: “Dude, I sold my phone and bought the medicine for your mother”

 - Do you understand what friendship is?  A true friend doesn't cross his arms when his friend is in difficulty!

The real friend is a brother from a different mother

May God give us good friends''-Anonymous author


''One of the best things about tough times is that it takes away fake friends.''-Anonymous author.

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

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