Friday, 29 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #6.


''Don’t let the power that comes with money and success get you to destroy yourself.''-Pastor E. A. Adeboye.


''If you are not selling on WhatsApp, exchanging business ideas, finding out about new investments, or giving and receiving tips about profitable shares, crypto and NFTs, but instead, only gossiping and chatting, your WhatsApp is a waste app. You do not need a waste app in 2022. You need a wealth app. Create a YouTube channel and monetise your videos. Get on stream with crypto and make big mullah. Turn to Quora and make mucho dinero. Turn your ideas into a book and sell to the world via Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Clean up your house and short-let spare rooms on Airbnb. It is too easy to make money in 2023. This year, and every other year, be a newsmaker instead of a noisemaker on WhatsApp!''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Your best friend in the world is not a human being. It is your shadow. It is the only friend that will never leave you from the day you leave your mother's womb until the day you enter the womb of the grave.''-Reno Omokri's  post on X-Platform (2023).



UK Border Officers have turned themselves into University Officials at the point of entry by questioning students entering the UK to start their course on some aspects of the course they are going to start. If they do not answer correctly, they have their visas canceled and some are removed from the UK. SAD! I have had three instructions on that in the last 24 hours. It is not their job because most of these students were interviewed by the university before being offered a place on the course. Most of these Border Force Officers have not even been to the university and are not qualified to examine these foreign students on their academic knowledge. I can say this as I have had dealings with them for the last 24 years. Their job is to make sure the students obtain entry clearance genuinely. If they knew a lot about the courses, they wouldn’t be paying £14,000 to £20,000 to come and study it. If you are a student coming to start your course, be prepared for immigration officers turning themselves into a university examiners. If you have this challenge, get a lawyer quickly or make sure you have the details of some lawyers before you leave your home country. Let me ask the Prime Minister @RishiSunak and @10DowningStreet do you think this is right? Many students are having their visas canceled at the point of entry. It does not make sense.''-Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).

An ebook captioned ''Marketing: Principles & Practice'' (2nd Edition) by Aderemi Adeleye on 

Monday, 25 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #5.


"Welcome to the world today..... Where sex is free and love is expensive. Where losing a phone is more painful than losing your virginity. Where modernization means nudity, profanity, and if you don't drink/smoke dope you're out of fashion/style. Where boys stay boys and never want to become men, and girls become men to rule over them. Where if you don't fool your partner it's because you're not clever enough. Where the bathrooms have become photography studios. Where pizza delivery is faster than the emergency response. Where people fear the thieves and the terrorists more than God. Where Worshipping God is difficult. Where temples turn into dating pools. Where lies become realities. Where the ladies fear pregnancy more than h.i.v., and babies are murdered so the ladies can escape. Where people become toxic when they speak the truth or you're resisting to turn from what is actually toxic. Where perspectives and clothes decide the value of a person. Where money is more important than family and God. Where children are ready to leave their families for their love of the moment, rebellion and spite. Where the marriage covenant is no longer sacred or taken seriously. Where it's easier to play house than to build a home. Where jumping from partner to partner for sex or attention is easier than waiting for the right partner for life. Where love is a game. Where evil no longer exists. Whoever plays with the mind always gets happiness and who plays with the heart always hurts. Modernity, love and liquid education... The new generation of humanity. II Timothy 3: 1-4 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, Matthew 24:12-13 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. There's still hope in Jesus, it's not too late! grace and mercy abound for those who would seek and follow Christ."-Anonymous author.


"No generation of people has been exposed to more lies and more liars than this one. The internet has created an explosion of lies that is beyond human comprehension."-John MacArthur.


"One Bitcoin is worth 300 barrels of oil. Think about that. Financial intelligence is the future. Take time to understand cryptocurrencies, ETFs, REITS, Index or mutual funds, bonds, and peer-to-peer lending. The old way of making money is no longer mathing. Elon Musk is richer than most oil companies. It should teach you that true wealth is not under the ground. It is between your ears. Arm yourself with knowledge and weaponise it to kill poverty. Think about creating an app, a game, or a payment system. Ten years ago, an oil firm, Exxon Mobil, was the most valuable company on Earth. Today, Apple is the world’s most valuable corporation. Because crude knowledge is greater than crude oil!" -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


"People you served might not serve you, people you loved might not love you, people you helped might gang up to pull you down and people you stood for might stand against you. But always remember that anything you do for humanity is never a waste and God that sees everything has a way to reward and compensate all the good things you did for others. Do not regret any good deed whether it is appreciated or not. Do good always."-Anonymous author. *Edited.

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Saturday, 23 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #4.


''The road to success is always under construction''-Lily Tomlin.


"Don’t dominate people. They will rebel against you. Rather, dominate yourself and people will nominate you as their leader A true leader does not only improve others. He focuses on improving himself because the best preaching is to be a role model Leadership comes from actions you take, not the position you occupy. Being the boss does not necessarily make you the leader A leader who does not READ can't LEAD his people. He can only LID them by being the lid that blocks their progress in life.''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


"Don’t spend money because you have it. That’s a recipe for poverty. Spend money because you have needs. That is an attitude for prosperity. Keep your money invested, so it is not so easy to touch it. That way, you will only touch it when you need it. Allow your friends to buy and flash the latest phone at you. If your old phone is still working fine, be fine with it. Don’t be surprised when they use their iPhone 15 to text you for a loan to pay their rent. Their latest phone has made them the latest fool!''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).



"I got to Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos, yesterday and the immigration officer took my passport and said “Lawyer and Pastor Olawanle, I am your follower on X”. Today, I got to two different radio stations, Love FM and Naija Info where I gave live interviews in Portharcourt and 5 people said they follow me on Social Media @ both stations. I was shocked. As if that was not enough, I needed to see a dentist urgently and we drove into a Dental Hospital. As they were attending to me, the owner said, “I follow you on X”. He then told me my family story. “You always talk of your wife and your three children who are lawyers” etc. I was shivering. I did not plan for these but our work goes ahead of us. You cannot hide from the results of your works. He also gave me a huge discount and a pain-free treatment. Stop being a Social Media hooligan. You don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. You do not know where you will find yourself. It has been an interesting encounter in Portharcourt already.''-Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


"When you eat in the desert, you must also feed your camel because if it dies, you will die with it in that same desert. Life is like that. The future is your camel. As you make money, don’t spend it all. Feed your future. Invest for tomorrow or die broke tomorrow. The saddest thing is that there may be sympathy for a young, broke person, but there is very little empathy for a broke old person. So respect yourself now by preparing for old age or prepare to be disrespected by your juniors.''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).

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Thursday, 21 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #3.


"Set your standards high and don't apologize for it. You deserve the best."



"I have lived in the UK for over 33 years but my accent has not changed. I have never tried to speak like the white man or the black people that were born here. I have argued in courts all over the United Kingdom and I have retained my distinct Nigerian accent. I am who I am and I am very proud of my roots. My children’s accent is different from mine because they were born and raised here. I have never tried to speak like them. Every week I meet people who arrived in the UK in January or February 2023 and their accent has changed. I find myself asking them to repeat what they said severally. It is ridiculous and annoying. Why are you faking your accent? Be yourself. Be real. Be an original and not a copy. Friends, I believe you know someone like that. They fake die. I hate vawulence."- Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


"Not all classrooms have four wall."-Anonymous author.

14."Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." -Jeremiah 33:3


"I was working outside London last week and I lodged in a prestigious hotel which provided a CLUB LOUNGE exclusively for the members. I was working alone on my laptop at the lounge when this beautiful lady entered the lounge. I won’t tell you whether she is white or black. I said, a lady. She greeted me and I greeted her. She then started chatting with me and I did not respond. I took my laptop and ran. It was when I got to the door that I realized there was CCTV there but it did not matter, I was not going back there. When you find yourself alone with strange people, run. Some of you latest arrivals in the UK see that as an invitation to treat and they mess your life in the UK up. A lot of you are getting into trouble at work, at school, or on the street for chatting up or touching ladies. You are having your passports seized, your home office applications delayed, your jobs being taken away and records being kept on the Police National Computers for silly offenses with ladies. Run and run. The funny thing is that the ladies who pretended to be friendly are the ones to turn around and say you sexually harassed or assaulted them. You have been warned."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants


Sunday, 17 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #2.


"One day the word 'soon' will be replaced by the word 'finally'."


 "Two economic lies that lead to poverty: 

1.Save money: Saving money is actually the same as losing money because inflation will destroy the value of your savings. It is much better to invest money than to save it since inflation rises faster than savings interest rates. If you need cash for an emergency, you can liquidate some or all of your investments: 

2.Work hard: The number one destroyer of health is hard work. And without health, you cannot create wealth. That is why many labourers die poor and in bad health. It is much better to work smart. Smart work means you do most of your work intellectually and use physical effort minimally. For example, you use a lawnmower to mow your lawn rather than a cutlass or machete. And then, instead of throwing away the cut grass, you sell it to farmers, herders, or livestock merchants, to feed their livestock. The rich don't work hard. Rather, they make money work hard for them. They also do not save money in banks. Go through the Forbes Rich List. You will never see bank balances as the reason anybody makes that list. Instead, the rich take loans from banks. Their wealth consists of assets they buy with that borrowed money, which are means of production of goods and services. Money in the bank is of no use to ANYBODY. Even the bank does not leave money in their vaults. They invest it. Why not learn what they do and then do the same with your money by yourself?"-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023)


''THE COMMON COMMONER: If you speak everywhere, attend every meeting, attend all parties and you are seen everywhere, you will soon become irrelevant. Many of you failed in business because you have become friends with all your customers and the business line has become blurred by too much familiarity. When they should pay you £500, they bless you with £80.00. Draw the line somewhere. As a lawyer, I will never allow a client to come and meet me at home. You must see me at my office. It is called a business relationship. If you attend and speak at every space meeting on X or any other platform, your voice will soon become powerless. If you attend every party in your locality, you will soon become a commoner. People will stop taking you seriously. So, I call you a common commoner. Even Jesus Christ hid himself sometimes. Learn to hide yourself even when you have nothing to do. I hope this helps someone.''-From Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Sad story''

 ''A man called his friend and said:

I need money, my mother is sick and I don't have money for medicine;

-His friend replied: “Okay, my dear friend call me at night” He called him but the phone was switched off.

- He tried calling again and again, until he got tired, and he went to look for another friend who could help him, but he couldn't find anyone..

 Sad and disappointed in this friend, who abandoned him and turned off the phone when he needed him the most

 - Returning home he finds a bag with medicines, near the pillow where his mother was sleeping.

 -he asked his brother who brought this?

 “Your friend came to get the prescription and brought these medications.

 - he left a while ago" the man smiled; with tears in his eyes, he went out to look for his friend

 - When he found his friend he asked where were you? I couldn't reach you anymore?

- The friend said to him: “Dude, I sold my phone and bought the medicine for your mother”

 - Do you understand what friendship is?  A true friend doesn't cross his arms when his friend is in difficulty!

The real friend is a brother from a different mother

May God give us good friends''-Anonymous author


''One of the best things about tough times is that it takes away fake friends.''-Anonymous author.

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Saturday, 16 September 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #1.


"The purpose of learning is to become an independent thinker, not a mindless follower."-Anonymous author.



‘‘ If you are a man doing a good job in Nigeria and you are planning to relocate with your family to the UK, think twice or think very well before you make the switch. Do not resign from your job. Do not sell all that you own. Do not break the bank to come here. Also, think very well of who your wife is and is she the type of woman that will not misuse the laws of this land against you once she gets here? Can you stand your wife being the breadwinner and you look after the children? Why do I ask these questions? It is because the pendulum does switch over here. Women do get better jobs in some cases and as a ‘big’ man, you may struggle to get a job that fits your profile or that you are comfortable with which may affect your mental health. These scenarios have affected many marriages and relationships. Some are now living apart and some have filed for divorce. I have been dealing with a lot of these cases recently with the husband blaming the wife for pushing him into ‘this mess’. Why did I say Nigeria? It is because they are mostly the ones having this switch issue and situation shocks. Other nationalities are usually ok with it. I just thought I should let you know before you make the switch.’’-From Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


"Cheating is not when she sleeps with another man. It’s also when she thinks of him, texts, calls or hangs out with him."-Anonymous author.


"A man who sees a woman in his future can never, ever, ask her for her nude photos. Only men who see you in their present and nowhere else, will request such from you. Once any man asks you for your nudes, he is indirectly telling you that you are a disposable commodity. And when he disposes of you, or your ‘relationship’ ends, you will be in his power forever. All his friends will see the photos. And all their friends will also be entertained by it. You heard of network marketing? You will be network entertainment. Your ability to find a suitable husband will be severely limited. So, no matter how much he sweet talks you, avoid a bitter tomorrow and never give in to the pressure!"-Reno Omokri's post on X platform (2023).


''Never believe in a one sided story. It always has some missing pages.''-Anonymous author.

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

411. "Half truths, many lies: Fact-checking Kemi Badenoch" 2nd February 2025 By  Imoleayo Oyedeji "Since emerging...