Sunday, 29 December 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #142.

I came across this post on X-platform today (30/12/2024), It should make us appreciate the good weather that God Almighty has given us in Nigeria. The temperature in Alaska, USA as at December 29, 2024 was -74 degree Fahrenheit. You can never realise what you have until you lose it! Thank God for a beautiful place like Nigeria.-Aderemi Adeleye.

"Adam and Eve lived in peace until Eve started taking control of the Garden and dictating to Adam what to eat and do. Learn from that. As a wife, your husband is the head of the home. The day you start challenging him and contesting that headship position with him is the day your home stops being a paradise, and you start being a parasite. It will affect everything, including lovemaking. Men look at combative women as fellow males. Making love to you will now look like a same-sex relationship, and unless he is inclined that way, he will lose interest. Don't be like Eve and destroy your Garden of Eden. Even if you earn more than him, still allow him to be the boss at home. You can be the boss at the office!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"I left Nigeria thirty-five years 
ago because I did not want to stress my mother by getting her to fund my university education. I thought she had suffered enough. So, I decided to travel abroad and fund my education myself. Children must have compassion for their parents. 

I have worked very hard since I arrived in the UK. I have paid my dues through many toils and tears, and God has crowned my efforts with success. 

Living abroad is good. It brings stability to one’s life. One may not be stupendously rich like I see in Nigeria every time I am here, but one will enjoy the basic amenities of life. 

However, as one starts to age, there will be a need for one's home country. You may become isolated as your children start getting married. Your health may become complicated. You may become more and more lonely. The cold weather may become odious. That is when many people start having that nostalgic feeling. 

Once you clock 50, start thinking of your home country more, no matter the negative stories you hear. Get accommodation in a place where you can live. Let security be your priority. If possible, get a reliable car. Open a bank account and build some connections with responsible people. Local connections are invaluable. 

Travel regularly to know how the system works. Our people are more intelligent in the positive and the negative. Be smart and be secretive. Don’t talk about your plans and money before your people or strangers. You can be kidnapped by those you trusted for ransom, you can be robbed, and they can make you bankrupt through billing. 

Without testing the waters, do not say you are relocating alone or with your family. Things are prohibitively expensive, and prices fluctuate. 

Overall, there are many opportunities to succeed in this adventurous country. Despite the challenges, people make themselves happy. Some are also doing unbelievable things by making progress. 

As someone who lives abroad, you have an advantage regarding the exchange rates. Use it well. Please do not leave it too late. Many who left it too late did not enjoy the latter part of their lives. May you enjoy yours. 

Stop listening to the doomsday news. Nigeria will be better, but we all have a part to play. 

My name is Dele Olawanle. I am a coach. I think, write, and speak to improve lives. Follow me for more insights and inspiration."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Dear Men, Did you know this secret of Billionaires?-Masculine Beast's post on X-platform (2024).
Watch the video here:

"Indian military parade."-Non aesthetic things's post on X-platform (2024).
Watch the video here:

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing Without Beating About The Bush.

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

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