Thursday 4 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #104.

"Yoga is demonic and a way of letting demons into your body don't do it!!!"-BookofRevelation's post on X-platform (2024).

"I stayed in a relationship that was super painful and horrible for more than 2 years because “I had a dream”...

I dreamt that I married this brother and this would be the first time I would get any leading about marriage and so when he came to propose I accepted.

This relationship was so painful on so many levels.

Infact I went into the relationship not loving him but I felt I had a strong leading from God and the love would flow with time.

Now I am that girl that would want to obey God especially on marriage

Like if God says this is it, I’m going there. Doesn’t matter what.

And so in that dream someone said this is your husband and if you don’t marry him, you would be miserable all your life.

I’ve never experienced so much conflict with a person before

We would argue and argue about the most ridiculous things.

I would cry and cry. Apology would come but the circle would just repeat itself

We never had one week of peace.

I just felt that this was my cross in life to carry and I kept moving on

A time came when the only time I was happy in my life was when we were not talking

Why was I still there????? A dream 

Under the mercy of God and the wisdom from solid godly counseling, I left. And I could breathe . I felt like a weight was lifted from me.

Fast forward to some years later

I dreamt again that I married someone.
 I saw myself dancing and doing traditional wedding and all that

Guess what???

This brother I was marrying was already married with two children 

So when I woke up, I just laughed!

Because I knew that dream was never from
God as God is not the author of confusion. He could never lead me to marry someone’s husband 

But then it struck me.

What if the brother I dreamt about was single?

Wouldn’t I have thought this was God’s leading??


I’m sharing this because I’ve gotten some questions another dreaming about someone and if that’s God’s leading

While I won’t tell you no categorically, I won’t also tell you it’s a definite yes.

God leads his child in several ways but please, don’t use only a dream as leading

Dreams can come as a result of so many things 
But you can’t just run off based on that

Confirm it by other means

Confirm it with love

Confirm it with peace

Confirm it with the word of God

“The blessings of God makes rich and does not add sorrow to it”

Is your relationship giving you sorrow??

There are so many scriptures you can use to confirm what you’re doing.

You can’t be with an unbeliever and claim God is leading you.

Gods word will never contradict and it’s a more sure word of prophecy than any dream or vision or revelation 

Also, never stop praying even after you feel you are being led

Never stop praying 

I stopped praying but my mum never stopped

I sincerely believe that’s why God showed me mercy

I pray this helps someone and gives clarity!"-Deborah Ocheido's post on X-platform (2024).

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #123.

337. "1. For cough, eat pineapple 🍍 2. For good eyes, eat carrot 🥕 3. For good gut, eat cabbage 🥬 4. For heart health, e...