Sunday 28 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #111.

"A little girl was holding two apples with both hands. Her mum asked her with a smile,

“My sweetie, could I have one of your apples?”

The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite of one apple, and then quickly out of the other. The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment. Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mum, and said,

“Mummy, here you are, this is the sweeter one.”

No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgement. Give others the privilege to explain themselves. What you see may not be the reality. Never conclude for others. Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.

Those who like to pay the bill, may do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.

Those who take the initiative at work, may do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.

Those who apologize first after a fight, may do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.

Those who are willing to help you, may do so not because they owe you anything but because they see you as a true friend.

Those who often text you, may do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.

Those who take time out to chat with you, may not mean they are less busy, but they know the importance of keeping in touch."

MEMORY CARES πŸ’•-Anonymous author.

"If you have a JOB, you are just warming the seat because one day, you will die or be fired, and someone else will sit on it. Your kids can't inherit the job. A job enriches you. A business and your investments enrich your generations. With any job, your goal should be to work to raise capital to start your own business and or make wise investments. Poverty is a disease to be cured, not suppressed with a monthly salary. The only known cure for poverty is your own business!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).


"1. Nobody respects a rag until their shoes are dirty, so stay in your corner. Don't beg people to know your value, when the time comes, nobody will tell them to look for you
2. Don't be too available for people because longtime no see is better than this Idiot has come again.
3. Control your Anger because it is just one letter away from Danger.
4. Don't show everyone your wounds, not everyone is holding a bandage, some are with salt and vinegar to increase your pains.
5. Never plant thorns on someones path, your children may take that route barefooted one day.
6. One mistake you should never make in this life is to allow yourself to be recruited by someone to hate another person who hasn't wronged you.
7. Don't compare your life with others, there is no comparison between the sun and moon, they shine when it is their time.

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #110.

"John D. Rockfeller was once the richest man in the world. The first billionaire in the world. By age 25, he controlled one of the largest oil refineries in the US. By age 31, he had become the world’s largest oil refiner. By age 38, he commanded 90% of the oil refined in the U.S.

By 50, he was the richest man in the country. As a young man, every decision, attitude, and relationship was tailored to create his personal power and wealth.

But at the age of 53, he became ill. His entire body became racked with pain and he lost all of his hair. In complete agony, the world’s only billionaire could buy anything he wanted, but he could only digest soup and crackers. An associate wrote, He could not sleep, would not smile and nothing in life meant anything to him. His personal, highly skilled physicians predicted he would die within a year. That year passed agonizingly slowly.

As he approached death he awoke one morning with the vague realisation of not being able to take any of his wealth with him into the next world. The man who could control the business world suddenly realized he was not in control of his own life. He was left with a choice.

He called his attorneys, accountants, and managers and announced that he wanted to channel his Assets to Hospitals, Research, and Charity work. John D. Rockefeller established his Foundation.

This new direction eventually led to the discovery of Penicillin, cures for Malaria, Tuberculosis and Diphtheria.

But perhaps the most amazing part of Rockefeller’s story is that the moment he began to give back a portion of all that he had earned, his body’s chemistry was altered so significantly that he got better. It looked as if he would die at 53 but he lived to be 98.

Rockefeller learned gratitude and gave back the vast majority of his wealth. Doing so made him whole. It is one thing to be healed. It is another to be made whole.

Before his death, he wrote this in his diary…

“God taught me, that everything belongs to Him, and I am only a channel to comply His wishes. My life has been one long, happy holiday thereafter; Full of work and full of play, I dropped the worry, on the way, and God was good to me every day.”

John Davison Rockefeller
July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937
Founder of Standard Oil

"You will only succeed because of a cause, not due to the course you read at school. So don't just go to university to study a course. Also, find a cause. Get to know people. Go to the school and grow through the school. For in this life, who you know will take you further than what you know. And what you study will make you a living, but who you study with will make you a life. Form associations that will affect your remunerations. Connect with people so you can collect from them later and vice versa. Build the network that will build your net worth later."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #109.

"I got married at 25, finished my PhD at 27 and became a Professor at 40.

So fast you see! Yes, everything around me worked fast. It is now that I realise that it was a misplaced priority.

My ambition blindfolded me and I got it all wrong, that is why I am sharing my experience through this medium to warn and encourage our young mothers not to be careless as I was back then.

I worked very hard as a lecturer and as an administrator, always so busy that it became my language to my children...."I'm busy"

My mum was around to nurse the children for me for some time. The moment they clocked ten, I sent them to boarding schools, though my husband was not in support of this. I always found my way.

I had no warm relationship with my children, 2 boys and a girl.

I never knew it was a bad idea not to have time for my husband, children and the household, until 5 years ago, when guilt, loneliness and restlessness filled my heart.

I sent for my children to rejoice with me on my 60th birthday.

The two boys, living in Canada said they are "busy" and that their sister will come down from South Africa.

Two days to my birthday, my daughter sent this message to me, "Mum, I am very sorry not to be around over there, there is no time to squeeze out, my husband needs my attention at his newly established clinic and presently, I'm pregnant. "I'm very very busy,
I'm also lonely in a strange land. Please pray for us mum. Happy birthday". I could not recover from the meaning I got from the message.. "First-things-First". When they needed me for warmth and discussion, I was not available, now I needed them for warmth and discussion I could not get them, rather they returned my slogan back to me, "I'm busy"

To worsen the matter, my dear husband died in his sleep a month after. ...Only one of the children came ​without​ his family to the burial ceremony.

I was dumbfounded!!! Considered Opinion: it is good to work and be a hard working fellow.
But hear this important and salient truth:

Parenting is sacrificial work, give it all it takes. Avoid any work that will take away your attention too much from your home - Avoid it and be careful!






If this inspires you, please share to others.

Copied."-Biyr TV.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #108.

′′Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build nations."-Nelson Mandela.

"After I became president, I asked my escort to go to a restaurant for lunch. We sat down and each of us asked what we wanted.

On the front table, a man was waiting to be served. When he was served, I said to one of my soldiers: go and ask that gentleman to join us. The soldier went and conveyed my invitation to him. The man got up, took his plate, and sat down right next to me.

While he ate his hands trembled constantly and he did not lift his head from his food. When we finished, he said goodbye without looking at me, I shook his hand and he left.

The soldier told me:

Madiba that man must have been very ill, seeing as his hands didn't stop shaking while he ate.-

Absolutely no! The reason for his trembling is another.

Then I told him:

That man was the warden of the prison where I stayed. After he tortured me, I screamed and cried asking for some water and he came humiliated me, laughed at me, and instead of giving me water, he urinated in my head.

He is not sick, he was afraid that I, now president of South Africa, would send him to prison and do to him what he did to me. But I'm not like that, this conduct is not part of my character, nor of my ethics.

′′Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build nations. 

As I stepped out the door to start a new chapter in my life, I realized that in order to truly embrace my freedom, I needed to let go of all the anger, hatred, and resentment that had weighed me down. I knew that holding onto those negative emotions would only keep me imprisoned.."-Nelson Mandela.

"1. Stop hating on others 
2. Practice love
3. Deal with bitterness 
4. Deal with malice
5. Deal with anger
6. Control your reactions
7. Learn to respond rather than reacting 

You see, these seven points holds the key to how you thrive in this increasingly complex world."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Word of Advice to Someone:"
"When you are agitated, don't make decisions, or you will be decapitated. Instead, calm yourself. Force yourself not to panic by adopting a command presence. You cannot influence what is outside of you if you do not first control what is inside you. As much as God loved Moses, He did not allow him enter the Promised Land because of an action Moses took in anger. To act in anger is to make a pact with danger."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.


Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #107.

"Power of Positive Thoughts"
"He was very sick.
His friends took him to the hospital.
He was admitted and the doctor advised him to run series of tests including HIV to ascertain what the problem was.
Malaria and typhoid tests came back positive that same day.
While they were expecting the other test results, the doctor started treating malaria and typhoid.
As he was recovering very fast, the HIV test result came and it was also positive.
The doctor broke the news to him.
He was devastated and broken.
Within hours, all his body systems broke down.
He couldn't eat and he couldn't sleep.
Within one week, he emaciated seriously to the extent he couldn't walk by himself again.
Then something dramatic happened after two weeks.
The lab discovered that they made a mistake with the results.
They had swapped his sample with another person's own.
He is HIV - negative.
The doctor got the news and summon the courage to break the news to the patient.
 Doctor: Sir, we are sorry
 Patient: For what doctor?
 Doctor: There was a mistake with your blood sample submitted for the HIV test.
 Patient: What do you mean doctor?
 Doctor: They discovered you are HIV - negative.
 Patient: What! Are you serious, doctor?
 Doctor: Yes sir! We are very sorry.
The guy that couldn't walk for days, jumped out of the bed and started running around the ward in excitement.
Everyone in the hospital was shocked at the scene.
What happened?
What changed?
Where did the strength come from?
The power of the mind.
We live and die first in our minds.
We are poor first in our minds.
We are rich first in our minds.
We are failures first in our minds.
We are successful first in our minds.
You can't become in life what you have not become in your mind.
Train your mind and heart to be positive and progressive-minded."-Anonymous author.

"A person who respects himself can never insult others..!!"-Positive Vibe.

"Your dignity is in your privacy."
"Over the years, I have discovered that the less people know about your private and family life, the better for you and your mental health 

Human beings are dangerous. What they know about you is what they will try to use to destroy you. They do not need to know most of what you are telling them, especially when they are not telling you anything about their lives.

Learn to keep your secrets secretπŸ‘ˆπŸΏ"-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Monday 8 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #106.

"The Physical Death of Jesus Christ"
"In 1986, The American Medical Association published an article titled "The Physical Death of Jesus Christ". It details the entire process of Jesus' trial to His death on the cross. 

In Luke 22, before Jesus is arrested, it is written that He was in great distress & sweating blood. Although rare, it is recognized as Hematidrosis, caused by high amounts of stress.

At the time, the crucifixion was considered the worst death for the worst of criminals. But this is not all Jesus faced. He endured whipping so severe that it tore the flesh from His body. He was beaten so horribly that His face was torn & His beard ripped. 

A crown of thorns, 2-3 inches long cut deeply into His scalp. The leather whip used to flog Him had tiny iron balls & sharp bones. The balls caused internal injuries while the sharp bones ripped open His flesh. His skeletal muscles, veins, & bowels are exposed, causing major blood loss. Most men do not survive this kind of torture. After Jesus was severely flogged, He was forced to carry His cross while people mocked & spat on Him.

Crucifixion was a process meant to instill excruciating pain, creating a slow & agonizing death. Nails as long as 8 inches were driven into Jesus' wrists & feet. The Roman soldiers knew the tendon in the wrists would tear & break, forcing Jesus to use His back muscles to support Himself to breathe. Imagine the struggle, the pain, the courage...Jesus endured this reality for 3 hours!

The Gospel of John writes that after Jesus' death, a Roman soldier pierced His side with a spear & blood & water came out. Scientists explain that from hypovolemic shock, the rapid heart rate causes fluid to gather in the sack around the lungs & heart. The gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called Pericardial effusion & the lungs, Pleural effusion.

To the world, Christianity is as foolish as it can get. They believe it's for the weak. But when you are confronted by the reality of the cross, it's clearly not a pretty sight. It is brutal & horrific.

This is the weight Jesus carried. The weight of the sins of the world, all so that we can live. God's wrath is fully satisfied in Jesus. This is what it took. Repent & believe! Jesus is “God among us” in the flesh. Jesus is our Savior. Jesus loves you so much, He went through this spiritual and physical punishment for your sins and mine. 

Jesus is the LORD, Almighty God, Everlasting Father.

THANK YOU JESUS!!!"-Faithful Messenger's post on X-platform (2024).


"If you are reading this, I appeal to you: do not spend your time complaining or crying about your situation. Could you do something about it? 

By the 1st of August, a church I pioneered in London, United Kingdom, will be 20 years old. The next day, the 2nd of August, Del & Co. Solicitors, the law firm I founded, will be 20 years old. 

I am still trying to figure out where the years went. With humility, I know people whose lives have not changed in the last 20 years apart from getting older. 

I confess I am not better than them, but I would rather keep trying something new than cry about what is not working. Keep trying, friends. One day, your time will come. 

To God be the glory."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Sunday 7 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #105.

"The most effective way to let other people know about the great things that God can do in their lives is to tell them the story of what God has done in your life."-Tony Warrick's post on X-platform  (2024).

"The answer to life 
JESUS said,
“I AM the LIFE.”
John 14:6"-JesusisComingBack's post on X-platform (2024).

"It is easier today than ever to succeed at almost anything and achieve your goals using free online tools. Here are some of the most useful:

Learn French for free at www.thefrenchexperiment. com

Trade stocks for free at www.webull. com

Build a website for free at https://carrd. co

Learn to code for free at codeacademy. com

Learn ethical hacking at udemy. com

Learn blockchain development at udacity. com

Learn marketable skills at coursera. org

Learn programming at programmr. com

Study at Harvard University for free at https://pll.harvard. edu/catalog/free

Share big digital files and online for free at wetransfer. com"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Don't make life changing decisions when you are in a bad mood or vulnerable mindset. For example, marriage. Too many people make bad marital choices because they think age is catching up with them. You will rage if you marry due to age. Don't settle for anybody just to say you have somebody. Marriage is important. Vital even. But you should at least have minimum standards. You can exceed them, but never go below them. A bad marriage is worse than loneliness. Because you can easily cure loneliness by having companionship. But how do you cure a bad marriage?"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #104.

"Yoga is demonic and a way of letting demons into your body don't do it!!!"-BookofRevelation's post on X-platform (2024).

"I stayed in a relationship that was super painful and horrible for more than 2 years because “I had a dream”...

I dreamt that I married this brother and this would be the first time I would get any leading about marriage and so when he came to propose I accepted.

This relationship was so painful on so many levels.

Infact I went into the relationship not loving him but I felt I had a strong leading from God and the love would flow with time.

Now I am that girl that would want to obey God especially on marriage

Like if God says this is it, I’m going there. Doesn’t matter what.

And so in that dream someone said this is your husband and if you don’t marry him, you would be miserable all your life.

I’ve never experienced so much conflict with a person before

We would argue and argue about the most ridiculous things.

I would cry and cry. Apology would come but the circle would just repeat itself

We never had one week of peace.

I just felt that this was my cross in life to carry and I kept moving on

A time came when the only time I was happy in my life was when we were not talking

Why was I still there????? A dream 

Under the mercy of God and the wisdom from solid godly counseling, I left. And I could breathe . I felt like a weight was lifted from me.

Fast forward to some years later

I dreamt again that I married someone.
 I saw myself dancing and doing traditional wedding and all that

Guess what???

This brother I was marrying was already married with two children 

So when I woke up, I just laughed!

Because I knew that dream was never from
God as God is not the author of confusion. He could never lead me to marry someone’s husband 

But then it struck me.

What if the brother I dreamt about was single?

Wouldn’t I have thought this was God’s leading??


I’m sharing this because I’ve gotten some questions another dreaming about someone and if that’s God’s leading

While I won’t tell you no categorically, I won’t also tell you it’s a definite yes.

God leads his child in several ways but please, don’t use only a dream as leading

Dreams can come as a result of so many things 
But you can’t just run off based on that

Confirm it by other means

Confirm it with love

Confirm it with peace

Confirm it with the word of God

“The blessings of God makes rich and does not add sorrow to it”

Is your relationship giving you sorrow??

There are so many scriptures you can use to confirm what you’re doing.

You can’t be with an unbeliever and claim God is leading you.

Gods word will never contradict and it’s a more sure word of prophecy than any dream or vision or revelation 

Also, never stop praying even after you feel you are being led

Never stop praying 

I stopped praying but my mum never stopped

I sincerely believe that’s why God showed me mercy

I pray this helps someone and gives clarity!"-Deborah Ocheido's post on X-platform (2024).

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #123.

337. "1. For cough, eat pineapple 🍍 2. For good eyes, eat carrot πŸ₯• 3. For good gut, eat cabbage πŸ₯¬ 4. For heart health, e...