Saturday, 4 May 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #89.

"If you have a chance to make someone happy, just do it. Sometimes people are struggling silently. Maybe your acts of kindness can make their day."-Anonymous author.

"How you end your life is more important than how you started it. That is why a fool at 40 still has time to be wise. Moses left Egypt at 40 without anything. Yet, he returned and overtook all those he left in Egypt. There is no deadline to make a headline. 

After much failure, Colonel Sanders succeeded with KFC in his 60s. Your time is your time, irrespective of how old you are! When did Prince Charles become King? At 73! Meanwhile, you believe you are a failure because you have not made it at 41? You still have time!

Don’t compare in life. Instead, prepare for life. Life is not how fast. It is how far. Completing your life is by far better than competing in life. Focus on your vision and get provision for your mission, which is the solution for retrogression."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"1. Pray a lot. In the morning, in the noontime, in the night time. Young ones, don’t joke with prayers.
2. Fast regularly. There is an unusual inspiration when you fast. 
3. Study the Bible regularly; there is a word that can change your life there. 
4. Attend church regularly. A preacher’s word can transform your life. Irregular church attendance as a Christian leads to irregular growth. It will affect you. 
5. Be a generous giver. Tithe regularly, and don’t listen to the naysayers. I have tried it for over 40 years, and here we are by God’s grace. 
6. Forgive easily. Bitterness and unforgiveness is an instrument of limitation. When you don’t forgive, you are hurting yourself 
7. Build good relationships not based on hypocrisy or what you can get. Relationships can make your life better. 
8. Study to grow. Study to be wise. I was once in a hotel room for 6 hours alone with the late Dr. Myles Munroe. After our discussion, I told Dr. Myles, wow, you convinced me because it is difficult to convince a lawyer. Are you a lawyer? He responded, “I am not a lawyer, but I read a bit of everything.” Many people who argue unthinkingly in real life and on social media don’t read. 
9. Marry well. Don’t marry out of pity. Don’t marry to slight those who jilted you. Don’t marry because of family pressure. Don’t marry because of beauty alone, but also marry because of good character. 
10. Build your wealth and stop begging. Could you stop it? Begging erodes dignity. My mother taught me that, and it shaped my life."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

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