Sunday 10 March 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #59.

"How it started and how it’s going.
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and her husband Dr. Ikemba Iweala, a Neurosurgeon."-Nigeria Stories' post on X-platform (2024). Slightly edited.
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and her husband Dr. Ikemba Iweala.

"If you are single, it’s very important that you marry well. Take this seriously. 

No matter how smart and educated you are, the wrong marriage will upset the equilibrium of your life. 

The wrong marriage is like drinking poison. You may not survive it."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #122.

336. " Stop wasting time searching for jobs on LinkedIn and Upwork. That's so old-fashioned!!! Here are 17 new and unique websites ...