Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #41.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."-Voltaire.

"In a society where all Bright Minds Don't Want to be Teachers, Their Children will be Taught by Idiots."- George E.

"Dear young adults, when it comes to marriage, do not marry hastily and do not only think of love but also think of:
Cultural differences 
Future ambition 
Your vision
Your dreams 
Your country of birth
The family history of the person you want to marry (It matters o)
How you will spend your old age
Laws regarding asset sharing
The opportunities available in your home country and so on. 
The possibility of ending up in a mental institution. 
I have seen many people limited because of marriage and who are struggling in every way possible. As a family lawyer, I have shed so many tears despite not being the victim. 
Some lost everything they ever worked for during divorce because they have nothing in their home country. From a mansion to a bedsit. Get sense!
From a father of many children to a loner. 
Today, it will not matter but tomorrow could be a long night. When you start getting older, you will realize what I wrote here is a gift. 
Make a wise decision in marriage so that you can enjoy your old age. The older, the weaker, and the more you will need your spouse and your children. 
As for me, my major concern before marriage was that anything that could tamper with my Nigerianess, I no go gree๐Ÿ˜‚. I was deliberate and it worked out handsomely. 
All the best."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"A Local Government Chairman from the North Central Benue state of Nigeria,who was recently abducted and released,revealed that his kidnappers fed him with Banana leaves,to his amazement,it miraculously stoped his frequent urination.Could this be an accidental discovery of cure for prostate enlargement or cancer for men?"-Senator Shehu Sani's post on X-platform (2024).

"Every successful person has a painful story, so never give up. A school bell that sounds like a disturbance at 8:am also sounds interesting at 2:pm... it is just a matter of time, so Don't envy anyone. Not everyone walking fast has an appointment. Some have running stomachs!... If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew. Don't try to compare yourself to others. You also have your strength, look for it and build on it. All animals that exist, were in Noah's ark. A snail is one of those animals. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah's ark; His door of grace won't close till you reach your expected position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up. Remember that Broken crayons still color. Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close You are to Your Goal."-Anonymous author.

Curriculum vitae and a resume as an integral part of the job search process: Our consulting organisation’s offerings to customers.

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #40.

The Nigerian professor who makes more money welding
"Kabir Abu Bilal is not your regular Nigerian university professor - he has a second job working as a welder in the northern city of Zaria.
Welding is widely seen as a menial job across Nigeria and he has shocked many - especially his colleagues - by opening up his own welding workshop.
"I am not ashamed that I work as a welder despite being a professor," he tells the BBC. "I make more money from welding."
The 50-year-old teaches and supervises research students at the faculty of engineering at Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria's largest and one of its most prestigious universities.
He has worked there for 18 years and published several books on physics and electrical engineering.
His fellow academic, Prof Yusuf Jubril, explains that their colleagues find it strange: "Society make us think someone is too big for certain roles and it's not true.
"What he is doing is not humiliating but commendable, and I hope others learn from him."
Prof Abu Bilal agrees that people, especially graduates, need to be more open-minded about how they make their living.
"Education shouldn't stop one from doing jobs like this, I am surprised that there are people with first degrees who find a job like this degrading."
His words have resonance - as according to Stutern's Nigeria Graduate Report, more than 40% of graduates fail to get a job in Nigeria, Africa's most-populous country.
He opened up a mini workshop in Zaria around two decades ago.
In 2022, a year after he was promoted to become a professor, he moved to larger premises having found plenty of business in the university town.
This has allowed him to buy more equipment and take on bigger jobs, with customers asking him to make things such as metal door and window frames.
"I collect the job no matter how small it is, even if it is one door I will weld it happily to get paid," he says.
Since he was a child, the professor says, he has always liked taking apart and putting back together gadgets and things like radios, which drew him to his career.
"Unfortunately I found out engineering here was more theoretically based and I needed a place to express myself," he says.
"That desire culminated in me starting this welding workshop."
Not only has the workshop satisfied his need to get his hands dirty, but it has really helped him on the financial front.
Academics in Nigeria have long struggled on modest salaries, most earning between 350,000 naira ($390; £305) and 500,000 ($555; £435) a month - and there are often long battles with the government to get a pay increase.
Prof Abu Bilal says his welding job has allowed him to be more self-sufficient and he has even been able to buy a more reliable car - a Mercedes.
In leaner times, he has even helped those who frowned on his joint career.
"When university lecturers went on strike for eight months in 2022 and we weren't paid, I always had money because of this job and a few colleagues came to me for help."
Prof Abu Bilal hopes to inspire other people to take on jobs like the one he does.
He has 10 apprentices - aged between 12 and 20 - at the workshop where he is teaching them the skills of the trade.
Those who are not at school during the day take care of the workshop when he is away at university.
The apprenticeship tends to take about a year - and then when they have the skills they can go off and set up their own businesses.
"I have learnt so much being at the workshop, I can weld many items together now," 18-year-old Jibril Adam said.
"Even as apprentices, he gives us 10,000 naira every month and a daily stipend for food."
The academic is also determined that his five children do not become academic snobs: "I bring them here most weekends to see how it is done. I want them to learn it so that one day they'll be able to do it."
For Prof Abu Bilal his joint career suits him perfectly, as he is able to embrace his teaching role on both fronts: "I love to impart knowledge."-BBC News (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Curriculum vitae and a resume as an integral part of the job search process: Our consulting organisation’s offerings to customers.

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #39.

"Choose progress over perfection; every step towards wellness is a step in the right direction."-Anonymous author.

"If you learn coding, you may never become a billionaire, but you will never be poor again. Because everyday, more opportunities are opening for coders. The world is moving from analogue to digital. You can never suffer with that skill. A coder has five times the potential of a PhD in political science, sociology, or philosophy. Go and learn how to code, even if you have a PhD!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

''Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life.''-Anonymous author.

"Crypto can crash. But more often than not, blockchain will give you a flash of cash. Stocks do get stuck. But in the vast majority of times, you experience a stroke of good fortune. Real estate can depreciate. But it holds its value better than money in the bank. Gold is risky to hold. But it has kept its intrinsic value since the time of Abraham better than any other long term asset. Refusing to invest becse there is risk is itself risky. Because you are growing old. As you age, your ability to make money reduces. So, if you don't invest in your youth, you will be infested with poverty in your old age when you can’t work. That, my friend, is the biggest risk! Failure to invest in risky ventures now is an agreement to live in poverty later. There are no two ways about it. Sacrifice present comfort or prepare for future discomfort. You think you have time? If things are hard now that the world’s population is 7.7 billion, what will it be like when it hits 10 billion?"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Strength grows when we dare, unity grows when we pair, love grows when we share and relation grows when we care.''-Anonymous author.

"Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun.''-Tupac Shakur.

"Before allowing your degree to give you a false sense of security, please note that twenty-seven PhD holders applied to be truck drivers at Dangote Cement PLC. Let that sink in. Yes, go to school. Study hard. Graduate. But then be aware that the world has changed. Employers are no longer looking at certificates. They are looking for skills. For want of a better word, sabificate. Get digital and actual skills. Get nursing skills. Understand blockchain so you can block and chain poverty. We no longer live in the Industrial Age when schools were churning out certified workers. This is the Knowledge Worker era, where skilled workers are the most valued workers, regardless of whether or not they have a degree."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

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Friday, 26 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #38.

"Eating onions regularly can reduce your cholesterol level and lower your chances of developing stroke and certain cancers."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"I PITIED MY OLD classmate."
"I met an old class mate, we had not seen each other for about 30 years. 
When I saw him again, this time at a hotel lobby, he was looking simple. He wore simple clothes. I felt touched.
He walked up to me and was glad to see me again. But deep within me I was not impressed with his status compared to mine and poor me, I couldn't hide it.
We exchanged contact details and I could see the joy in him as he collected mine.
I told him I would drop him home in my brand new Range Rover and I pointed it to him. He declined and said he had already called for his car. It looked old, a 2001 Honda Accord.
I invited him the next day for lunch at my house. A part of me wanted to impress him, to show off my success and affluence to him; while another was to discuss opportunities and possibly help him.
He drove to Parkview where I lived. He looked impressed with my home. I had taken a heavy mortgage. In fact, I was heavily in debt. We had lunch. He told me he was into small business and particularly real Estate. I brought up more business discussions, but he didn't sound too interested. I asked him how I could help him. He said he was fine. I even told him if he was interested, I could help him secure some loans. He looked at me and smiled.
He told me he would invite me over soon to his place. His old car came for him. I was grateful to God for what I had.“Fingers are not all equal" I thought to myself. I was lucky. I worked in a good place.
Two weeks later, my wife and I went to see him in a remote area. Initially, my wife was reluctant to go because she was not impressed with the man's status as to warrant our visiting him in his house.
I was able to convince her that we were close friends in College.
We saw the Estate. We asked for directions to his home. Those leading us spoke his name with deference.
It was a simple but lovely home. A 4-bedroom bungalow. I saw 4 cars parked in front. We entered his home. It was simply elegant with a touch of class inside. He welcomed us warmly.
Lunch was well served.
His wife called him Papa Onos.
During lunch, he asked about my MD. He said they were friends. I saw a company gift on one of his tables nearby. That company owned about 38% shares where I worked. I enquired from him about it. He smiled. He told me he owned the company. He also owned the Estate.
I did not know when I called him sir.  I was in awe of him too.
I had learnt a lesson in humility, A big one. Appearances are deceptive. He noticed my discomfort.
Driving back home, I was very quiet. My wife was humbled and extremely calm. I could perceive the thoughts in her mind. I looked at myself. Living on loans, heavy loans and showing off while someone who pays my salary is quite modest and living a simple life.
Indeed Deeper Rivers Flow In Majestic Silence.
Adjust your perception towards others this year.
Read, learn and take a good step of change.
Stop rating people based on their physical appearance or level of education.
Concentrate more on how to better your life, than on how to impress people.
Have a lovely day ahead.
Copied."-Anonymous author.

"1. Water is good for your kidneys. Drink a cup of water immediately you see this post.
2. Eggs are good for your heart and brain. Eat at least one egg today.
3. Vegetables are good for your immune system. Add veggies to your diet today.
4. Soda contains loads of sugar and is bad for your health. Remove soda from your diet completely.
5. Morning sunlight is good for your skin and helps in stress management. Get some morning sunlight if possible.
6. Bending when you stand is bad for your posture and spine. When you stand, stand straight and upright.
7. Exercise and workout are good for your heart and your overall wellbeing. Exercise at least 30 minutes today."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #37.

"The breathtakingly awesome picture of Mount Kilimanjaro I took earlier today (24/01/2024). Truly, God is great!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024). *Slightly edited*.
"Mount Kilimanjaro, situated in Tanzania, is Africa's highest peak, standing at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level.
This iconic stratovolcano is part of Kilimanjaro National Park and is renowned for its distinct snow-capped summit despite its equatorial location.
Kilimanjaro attracts trekkers and climbers from around the world, offering multiple routes to the top, each providing diverse landscapes and ecosystems, from lush rainforests to alpine deserts.
The Uhuru Peak is the highest point, providing breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding plains."-Summerize's post on X-platform (2024).

"Most people just want to be in the results and not in the process, and it's in the process where you realize who deserves to be in the results."-Anonymous author.

"The sincerity of a husband is known during the sickness of his wife.
That of a wife is known during the financial difficulty of the husband. 
True love of children is known during the old age of the parents.
The true nature of siblings is known during distribution of inheritance. 
The sincerity of friends is known during hard times. 
True relatives are known when one is far from his country, lonely or sick.
True love is known when there is no means of benefit. 
A true believer is known during times of hardship.  
In all, life is the teacher itself. 
May we grow in wisdom, understanding and patience. ๐Ÿ™
1. Be careful so you don't hate a lovely person,  because of a dirty rumour you heard about them which was created out of jealousy and envy.
2. Try to appreciate those who gossip about you. It's not easy for someone to leave their problems and carry yours on their head. 
3.  Forgive betrayals but be careful with them, because next time they may not spare your life. 
4. Even if you kill yourself for some people, they will still complain that you didn't die in a proper way. 
Do your best and leave the rest,  you can't satisfy human being. 
5. If you are always worried about what others are saying about you, you will never be happy.
6. When your blessings are getting closer,  your attacks become greater. 
Don't look at the storm, God is the controller of all things he created, and is by your side, you're a victor.
7. Everybody can not love you,  don't lose your peace over those who hate you. 
Those who convinced people to hate you can not convince God to hate you. 
8. Stay connected to God always.
Have confidence in God for with God all things are possible."-Anonymous author.

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #36.

"Doctors at a hospital in Texas informed George Pickering that his son was in a state of brain death. They explained that his son showed "no brain activity" and the decision had been made to remove life support. 
Pickering, however, was unconvinced by their assessment and resorted to extreme measures by drawing a firearm. He demanded that the doctors continue their efforts to save his son's life, threatening to use the gun if they refused.
This situation escalated into a tense standoff lasting three hours, during which Pickering faced off against the police while the medical team performed additional tests on his son. 
The hospital was secured under lockdown as police negotiators tried to reason with Pickering, who remained adamant. In a pivotal moment, Pickering's son, previously declared braindead, responded to his father's request to squeeze his hand, indicating cognitive presence. Following this revelation, Pickering peacefully surrendered to the authorities.
George Pickering II subsequently served a prison sentence of 11 months. Remarkably, his son experienced a complete recovery."-Fascinating's post on X-platform (2024).

"Are we Living in the End Days?"
"Here we are in 2024, and we're facing multiple wars erupting all over the world, economic problems are rapidly growing, destructive natural disasters are becoming more frequent, global authorities are warning us to brace ourselves for the next plandemic, the satanic New World Order is coming into place and our cities are being absolutely overwhelmed by endless waves of new migrants.
This convergence is not surprising for those of us who know end time Bible prophecies. I personally am totally convinced that we are living in the last days. We desperately need to get right with God. Judgment time is upon us! Jesus is returning extremely soon to give His reward to those who have truly loved Him or destroy those who did not obey the gospel. Are you obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ? Do you have a love for the truth? Please heed the following warning.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 'And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.'
The deceptions that Satan is going to manifest during the very end days are going to be so strong, that if you don't have a love for the truth and are not grounded in the truth of God's Word, then you will leave yourself wide open to be deceived. Don't think that your mere "belief" in Jesus will save you, because if you do truly believe, then you will be living everyday for Him.
Yes, we are absolutely living in the end days! Please be ready! Repent and put your trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior then follow him!"-Randys777's post on X-platform 2024).

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing in Four Days Without Beating About The Bush or Else Get a Refund.

Friday, 19 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #35.

"I'd rather go through the storm with Jesus than sail through life without Him."-Anonymous author.

"5 Stages of Financial Growth 
You start working hard for money
Then you work smart for money
Then you invest the money you work for 
Then money starts working hard for you
Next money starts working smart for you
When you get to number 5 you are wealthy, not rich!
EVERYONE on the Forbes list of the 10 richest men sell something.
All got rich by selling goods or services. Yet, you want to show us you are rich by the things you buy? You will remain on level one forever, because any fool can buy. Only the wise can sell!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Living abroad, away from your home country has its subtle challenges that can cost you your life. Many people are dying unnecessarily. 
Immigration problems, unemployment, bills, loneliness, low mood, school fees, studies abruptly terminated, relationships breakdown, pressures from your family back home, and lack of help from the people here. 
With all these, you may not have time to pray, study the Word, and go to church. Believe it or not, there are also spiritual attacks and you need spiritual and emotional support. You also need spiritual mentors. 
Many people are dying prematurely due to several challenges that they are battling alone. The support you get from the religious community is invaluable. 
I say this with love, even if you are not religious, go to church. Loneliness kills. 
Also, with my experience with some students and skilled workers recently, a lot are losing their minds. The universities are callous by terminating their studies abruptly and some employers are bringing workers in with no work and no wages for them. 
So, network to stay alive. All the best."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Stop preparing yourself to live in the world that your parents lived in. That world no longer exists again. Go to school for sixteen years and then acquire a degree that can no longer decree? When your parents were your age, they had to get movies from video clubs. You get movies from your phone through Netflix. Times have moved beyond your parent's idea of success. Every single thing you learnt in school for 16 years, can be sourced in a few seconds by a Google search. So, don’t let your degrees make you arrogant. Don’t think it guarantees you success. The world has changed. Skills now matter more than many degrees. A man with a Master’s degree in Literature, History, or any of such liberal arts is not in as high demand as a fashion designer, a coder, a web designer, AI technician, blockchain tech, a skilled motor mechanic, or even a farmer in today’s world. It sounds brutal. But that is because it is true."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Control your time by controlling how, when, and where you make money. Invest your money in something that yields compound interests so you don't become a compound fool when you retire. Salary is medicine for managing the disease of poverty. It can’t cure it. Only your own business can cure poverty. Poverty is not just about money. Time is more valuable than money. If another man controls your time, you are poor even if you earn much."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Plan your life. If you don’t plan your life, you may end up having the future that you don’t want."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #34.

"When I look at myself, I don't see how I can be saved. But when I look at Christ, I don't see how I can be lost."-Martin Luther

"1. A ship is always safe at shore but that's not what it is built for.
2. A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it."-Albert Einstein

"As bad as you think things are in Nigeria, you are only likely to be more prosperous when you relocate. But not necessarily happier. Life is poorer in Nigeria but happier. Life in Nigeria is not boring. It is challenging and active. Life abroad can be very boring and lonely, even if more affluent. You get a good house, home, and possessions. But to sustain them, you have got to keep on working. 
Nobody has time for you, and you do not have time for anybody. You do not even have time for yourself. People don't visit each other. If you have a day off( or a holiday, you see a movie at a cinema, go to a theme park, or go hiking. Interpersonal relationships are rare. 
You can die in your house in Europe and America, and nobody will know for months. Maybe even years. Especially if you have enough money in your account and your bills are on automatic pay. Your body will only be discovered the day money finishes in your account, and the companies providing you utilities, like electricity and water, come to your house to either demand their money or disconnect you. It has happened before. It is happening right now. And it will happen tomorrow. 
Such a thing cannot happen in Nigeria. If your amebo neighbour does not see you in the morning, wahala go shele. She will alert Linda Ikeji and all your village people. 
Depression is rampant in Europe and America. Why? Because God did not create man to be wealthy. God created man to be social. To interact with others and get fulfilled by that interaction. If wealth comes, good. But as long as you have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over your head, you will be happier with human interaction without wealth than without human interaction but with wealth. 
If Nigeria were like the UK, for example, most Yoruba people would not like Nigeria anymore. What is life without owambe, gbedu and faaji? 
Thank God for the positivity being spread by Nigeria's information Minister, Idris Mohammed. For the first time since 1999, 
 is focusing on projecting Nigeria to Nigerians and the world, instead of projecting only the government. Now, Nigeria has a spokesman. Before, only the government had a spokesperson."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).


Friday, 12 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #33.

"People are like books: Some deceive you with their cover and others surprise you with their content."-Anonymous author.

"If you want life-changing money-making ideas, try this exercise. Wake up at 5 AM every day for one week and meditate while the world is still asleep. No noise. No phone. No TV. No traffic. Nothing to arouse and stimulate your fleshly mind. Just God and you. Have a pen and paper handy. Empty your mind. Relax. And after fifteen minutes, you won't believe the ideas that will illuminate your mind. 
Meditating at that hour deadens you to the natural world and enlivens you to the spiritual realm. Yeshua did it all the time-Mark 1:35. David also practiced it-Psalm 63:1. Isaac was also a practitioner of meditation on isolation-Genesis 24:63. 
Meditation is medication for your soul. And much more than that, it can elevate your finances in the real world by inspiring you with ideas you would NEVER have had if you did not wake up to meditate when you can hear nothing but the divine Voice of your Creator who also spoke to your first human parents like that in the Garden of Eden. 
Ensure you have a pen and paper before doing this. Don't be like a typical Black African and think you will remember the ideas that drop into your spirit man. Ideas are spiritual. If you don't capture them physically by writing them down, they will return to the spirit realm from where they came. Remember, a short pen is better than a long memory."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"This world has turned upside down! The earth has become Satan's playground! No president is going to fix all this... No man on this earth can resolve this mess! Only Jesus Christ can set things right! We need Jesus more than ever because we are running out of time!!!
I pray that you will be ready when Jesus comes. Make a heart decision today to dedicate your life to loving our Lord, Jesus Christ, with all your heart, soul and strength, to follow and obey Him. As you make this heart decision, His grace enables you to walk it out! Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. He will empower you to live your life for JESUS! Hallelujah!"-Randys777's post on X-platform (2024).

Electronic Birthday Cards and Our Consulting Organisation's Offerings.

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #32.

"Meet the Nigerian girl, Nasara James Dabo, a 13-year-old prodigy from Southern Kaduna State with an IQ that sits amongst the top 1% globally.
At the International Mathematical Olympiad, she solved 34 math problems in just 172 seconds, (an average of 5 secs per question) winning a gold medal in the junior category.
Nasara, who is a student at Ideal College International in Kaduna, outshone 150 competitors worldwide, securing a total score of 145. Along with the gold medal, Nasara earned the Olympiad champion title in the prestigious competition that gathers participants from over 100 countries.
Shortly after her IMO victory, Nasara took the Mensa IQ test and aced it under strict supervision. Her IQ score of 150 puts her in the top 1% globally among Mensa applicants.
Additionally, Nasara recently bagged a LIMCA Award for memorizing a whopping 673 binary numbers in less than 9 minutes at the Memory Championship by Mind Sports Olympiad.
After bringing great honor to her community, Nasara, who dreams of becoming a doctor, has been offered a scholarship by the Kaduna State government to cover her secondary and university education expenses.
Nasara is such a motivation for young people.
Southern Kaduna is blessed ๐Ÿ˜"-Senator Shehu Sani's post on X-platform (2024).

1. God is above all, do not overestimate your importance. 
2. Do not think you are invincible, life is full of surprises. 
3. If you think you are very bold, have a little fear. It is called wisdom. 
4. Do not be deceived by riches and discard those who lifted you when you were nobody. 
5. Be very prayerful because an innocuous issue can cause a serious problem that you may struggle with for a lifetime."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Many people messed up their marriage, career, business & finances last year to Japa. 
Many wasted their assets by selling them at ridiculous prices. 
They got here and everything went pear-shaped. We are still trying to figure out the solution. 
Don’t make the same mistake this year."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #31.

"It took me a long time to realize that not everything in life is meant to be a beautiful story. Not every person we feel something deep and moving with is meant to be a home within us, is meant to be a forever. Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how to love; and sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how not to love. How not to settle, how not to shrink ourselves ever again. Yes, sometimes people leave-but that's okay, because their lessons always stay, and that is what matters. This is what remains."-Anonymous author.

"Seven Steps To Lifetime Success"  
"•Invest money while others are wasting money 
•Prepare for success while they are praying for it 
•Chase ideas while they are chasing babes 
•Maintain your assets while they are maintaining their girlfriends 
•Plot your progress while they are planning their revenge 
•Let rejection motivate you while it devastates them 
•Take time to improve while they take time to groove 
Success is by choice, not by chance. Pray, but still play your part."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"To be successful, you must be flexible with everything except God’s laws. Adjust to situations. If you have to drive a jalopy and wear the same clothes while waiting for profit, do it. Close your mind to what people will say. Only what God says matters! The more you invest now, the less you have to work tomorrow. That is why you should not save unless you are saving to invest. Above all, invest in yourself. Don’t just go through life. Grow through life. Investing in you helps you make better life choices."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Slowly losing friends is a part of growing up. Its okay to have less but real ones.-Anonymous author.

"1. You can gain weight from eating too much bread. Especially white bread.
2. Women smokers tend to have symptoms of menopause 3 years earlier than nonsmokers.
3. You damage your pancreas when you eat plenty of sweets and candies.
4. Your testis is under attack when you wear tight underwear very often, and it can lead to low sperm count and infertility. (Slightly edited).
5. Taking a deep breath for 5 seconds and breathing out slowly is good for your lungs."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #30.

"Six years ago a guy looked at me face to face, and boldly told me; "I don't like you!"
I immediately fired a response, I asked him that day; "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those that you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother keep your like, I need God's like And that's what guarantees my future.
ONE day I joined a CEO friend of mine in an interview Panel to recruit some new staff, it was a long session. 
As we returned from a coffee break to continue the hectic interview session, here was this same guy walked in with his grey jacket and CV coming for the interview.
Our eyes kissed by fluke, we immediately recognised each other; "the world is indeed spherical", I soliloquized.
He felt very uncomfortable through out the interview, one could clearly see the volcanic eruption ongoing in his whole nervous system, he even mistook his date of birth for his last date of employment. 
It wasn't yet my turn to ask him questions so I allowed everyone to take their turns with him and deliberately opted to interview him last. 
When it got to my turn, the first thing I said was, "I LIKE YOU so much, you look to me like a brilliant and intelligent person, but it seems you are not doing well now because something bothers you, true?"
"That's very correct Sir!" He responded.
"Ok look at me straight in the eye, I was never offended that day, it is very normal that sometimes as humans you just don't like certain people, but I wasn't bothered either, because whether you liked me or not, it was inconsequential to my life and my success path - as you can see, fate has brought you to my lair"
I stood up and beckoned him to come and embrace me, everyone on the panel at this point were at sea - wondering if we had expeditiously recast an interview session to a Hollywood movie scene.
He hugged me so long and deeply that I felt it. Then I told him, "now get your confidence back bro and answer the questions like a Pro Shark that you are, we all burst into laughter, everyone suddenly liked him and the room became livelier - the interview became more like a discussion, well to cut the long story short, he got the job!
1. Be careful how you treat people when they appear to be in their vulnerable state, your next level may be hanging in their balance;  somewhere in the future.
2. If you dislike someone, it is not their fault, it is YOUR FAULT, work on yourself to find good in people and reinvent your Mind to see everyone as likeable.
3. Don't spew hatred vocally just because it came into your heart, you may say it to someone who will keep it forever and use it against you when you find yourself in your own low moments and need them.
4. Learn to forgive, overlook people's dislike and hatred for you, dont punish people just because you have the position and privilege to do so, bless them rather - that's how you court God's blessings, favour and protection.
5. Share this post, someone needs it to heal from their past burdens of unforgiveness they have been carrying which has been hindering their promotions and inhibiting God's blessings flowing their way!"-Anonymous author.

Thursday, 4 January 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #29.

"About energy drinks:"

"1. Most energy drinks contain 100 to 300mg of caffeine in a single can compared to 40mg of caffeine in regular coffee.
2. The excess caffeine can cause anxiety, digestive upset and irregular heart beat.
3. Energy drinks contain high amounts of added sugar.
4. The added sugar has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and many other health problems.
5. Energy drinks shoot up your blood sugar levels, followed by a sugar crash or steep drop in blood sugar, and fatigue. This can distort your metabolism.
6. It is healthier to drink water or regular coffee than to binge on energy drinks."-First Doctor's post on X-platform (2024).

"Being a career woman is not evil. But I am not sure it is the best trajectory for a married woman. If you focus on your career, you will invariably have to hire a maid, except your husband turns to the woman in the relationship and stays home to care for the children. And if you hire a maid, and she cooks, cleans, looks after the children, and fills the vacuum that you created in the home, then what is left for you? You have just trained your replacement. And while you are busy in the boardroom, she could be active in the bedroom. It is something to at least think twice about."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"1.Look after your health. Health is wealth. Once it is gone, life becomes a mirage. 
2.Once you have some money and assets, start enjoying it. Anything can happen. 
3.Don’t put your family last. They will be the ones to stand by you when everyone has left you. 
4.Success has different levels, don’t kill yourself trying to overtake the other person especially if you don’t know the secret of their success.
5.Be content with what you have. A lot of sorrow comes from greed and inordinate ambition. 
6.Don’t behave like you will live forever. Be nice and treat people fairly. 
7.God has not forgotten anyone. Everyone will have their turn but you must be sensitive to your time. 
8.Marry well. Old age without a good spouse is a time of sorrow and slow death. 
9.Any irresponsibility will come back to haunt you. Make necessary adjustments. 
10.Stop exposing your body on social media. It may come back to haunt you. The few Likes of today could become a global shame tomorrow."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #28.

"Democracy must fall because it will try to tailor to everyone.
"The poor will want the wealth of the rich, and democracy will give it to them.
"Young people will want to be respected as elderly, and democracy will give it to them. "Women will want to be like men, and democracy will give it to them.                    "Foreigners will want the rights of the natives and democracy will give it to them. "Thieves and fraudsters will want important government functions, and democracy will give it to them.
"And at that time, when thieves and fraudsters finally, and democratically take authority; because criminals and evil doers want power, there will be worse dictatorship than in the time of any monarchy or oligarchy."-Socrates (470-399 B.C.)

"Good morning. Don’t waste today on frivolous things."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Most relationships are ruined through damaging text messages often sent or responded to in anger. You should understand that you cannot recall the message once sent. 
When you receive an annoying text message, kill the urge to respond instantly. Take a break then read and reread the message, then decide whether to respond or not. Remember, you are in control. 
Also, a lot of things are happening these days. If you are trying to get someone and they are not responding, desist from sending a bad text message. He may be dead, sick, or in a difficult situation. 
Control your fingers this year." -Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).

"Only time can heal what reason cannot."-Seneca.

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

411. "Half truths, many lies: Fact-checking Kemi Badenoch" 2nd February 2025 By  Imoleayo Oyedeji "Since emerging...