Monday, 18 December 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #22.

"I have had some encounters with some people recently who are regretting liquidating their businesses and assets to relocate to the United Kingdom. That was even before the government turned nasty with its recent immigration policies. 
A lot of immigrants, frustrated or not, leave their home country for another country regularly. Many of them liquidate their assets to fund the journey. Some of them also liquidate their assets and move the funds to a foreign country because they think they are not going back home. The latter is naivety. 
You are all right but know that things could go wrong and you may lose everything. The person starting a journey does not know how the journey will end. It is one wisdom you MUST learn. 
Let me open your eyes to some things that could go wrong:
Marriage; Your marriage can go wrong and you may lose everything through the one-sided divorce laws. Your spouse can also kick you out, take over your assets, or waste your assets for example through unnecessary litigation costs. 
Health matters: Some people’s health does take a turn for the worse when they relocate. I had a client many years ago who started falling sick the moment she got here. Her body started swelling up and they piled her with medication and steroids. It simply got worse. Her doctor told her to return to her home country for a month. She got home and her health got better. She is now very rich but it was because she did not liquidate her assets. She turned to the assets she left behind. 
Uncertainty: Those who start a journey don’t know how it will end. Living abroad comes with several risks and surprises. So, have some there and some here. 
Assets can be frozen: Be aware that the government of the foreign country can seize your assets either for breaking the law, query the source of your money, or for political reasons. Remember Abramovich of Chelsea. Imagine if the Chelsea football club was his only asset. 
Immigration Challenges: The UK can be very nasty or unreasonable when it comes to immigration laws and rules. At least they dealt with me despite my wife and children being British citizens. Something can go wrong with your immigration status and you may be subject to removal. Until you get settlement you cannot be so sure. Even if you get a settlement, you can still be deported if you commit a criminal offense, you are sentenced to a prison term of 12 months or more and you have not yet become a British citizen. That is when you will know that you are a foreigner. 
So, be cautious, and do not be too cautious. These are just a few points but there are many more." -Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2023).

"Rethink your ideas about money. Money is not scarce. That is an illusion which creates a delusion that keeps you in destitution. Every day, the US Federal Reserve shreds almost $70 million. Money is not scarce. What you need is clarity of vision that leads to regularity of provision. Stop waiting for money to find you. Money is not looking for you. Money is looking for value. Create value. Solve problems. Ideate ideas. Sell to excel. When you are engaged in such value-creating activities, money will find you and fund you."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).

"As a proud African, speak your native language to your kids. Give them native names. It is very cool. Do you see Whites speaking African languages or giving their kids African names? Our culture is worth preserving. Many African languages will be extinct in 50 years because Africans are the only people who think speaking a foreign language gives them prestige. Nothing is as prestigious as speaking your native language. I am very well-traveled, and Africans are the only people I know who take pride in speaking a foreign language with a perfect accent, even when they can’t speak their native language. Europeans loaned us their languages. A loan is not your money!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).

"Both wealth and poverty are mindsets. The poor think of how to spend money, while the rich focus on how to make money. Give a poor man $1 million. If he does not change his thinking, he will become poor again. Wealth is the mentality, not the money. The secret to wealth, therefore, is to avoid associating with people with a consumer mentality. Not because you hate them but because you tend to become like those you associate with. Befriend those you want to be like and mentor those who want to be like you. Finally, remember that wealth does not like people who want to be wealthy. Wealth loves people who work to be wealthy. Never forget that!" -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

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