Sunday, 26 November 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #12.


''If you, as a woman, allow your boyfriend to sleep with you, and then he secretly goes to sleep with another person, you cannot say your boyfriend cheated on you. It is not possible. It is like saying your fellow bank robber cheated you. There is no honour amongst thieves, as it should be. Only a husband can cheat a wife and vice versa. Any woman who allows a man to sleep with her without marrying her is only training the man on how to sleep with women outside of marriage and should only blame herself when he displays the attitude of a good student of what she taught him!'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023). 


''You were born with a unique face, DNA and fingerprints. Nobody has your combination. The more dangerous devil is not satan. It is those who want you to give up your uniqueness and be like everybody else. Drop society’s uniform and wear your weirdness proudly. Do not hate yourself because of who, what or how you are. You have to accept that God created you intentionally. And He gave you the parents you had and allowed every good and bad that happened to you to occur so you can be chiselled into precisely what He had in mind because He has a purpose that no one can fulfil but you.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).


''If you want to have achievements in life, then stop telling people what is going on in your life. The more people know what you are planning before it becomes a reality, the less likely you will have a manifestation. Learn from trees. When a tree is growing, it grows noiselessly. The only time a tree makes noise is when it is falling after being cut down. Make talk about your plans and your enemies can cut them and you will make noise while falling.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).


"To the young ones, in as much as you have the freedom to say or do what you want to do, be careful who you offend. 

Some things will trouble you for a lifetime and you may not know where it came from until it is too late. I have seen some things in this life. Insanity, incurable diseases, huge financial losses, premature death, marriage breakdown, and other misfortunes are sometimes from spiritual attacks. 

Tread carefully and have a little fear. It is called wisdom." -Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2023).


''Before you sell your land and house to japa, note that those who japa'ed before you are taking loans from banks to buy land and house in Nigeria. Think well. Access your situation. Not all that glitters is gold. Arise Peoples Party, and others are projecting doomsday scenarios about Nigeria that have no basis in reality. Don't japa only to discover that your situation in Nigeria was far better than what you met in England, Canada, and America. Please think things through!'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2023).


"If you don’t know what the following are:

Mutual funds 



S&P 500

Russel 2000

Wiltshire 5000



Digital wallet 


Smart Contract

Crypto mining 

Dollar Cost Averaging 

Earnings Report 

Futures Market 


Then you are in danger of being a financial illiterate. Money is evolving. If you don’t evolve with it, the world may leave you behind in poverty. Please research this: Artificial Intelligence is currently getting rid of 4000 jobs monthly and is projected to eliminate 20% of today's jobs within five years. The future of money is in the hands of people who understand emerging technologies in the finance sector and use them intelligently to climb faster on the pyramid of wealth before AI makes their old financial models obsolete." -Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (20023).



"For the benefit of those trying to destroy their family by using the Social Services, the police, their social status, and the immigration authority to settle in the country, your children will usually be at risk. 

Raising children alone in this country is not easy. I can tell you from personal experience. Statistics show that most of the drug users, prisoners, and young people with mental health issues are from single-parent or broken homes. So, if you are a single parent, the children are at the most risk, especially the boys. 

The presence of a good father in the house cannot be underestimated. When our children were younger, my wife would tell them that she would report them to Daddy and they would behave themselves. Who do you report the children to when you have kicked their father into touch?

When you kick your partner out, you will have to concede to some indiscipline for the children to curry some favor from them. You do not want them to go to their father and you spoil them little by little. You have some little husbands at home and you worship them. They become little gods. 

You also want to have fun with your new lover and you give the children extra freedom or you neglect them inadvertently. 

You will have to give them more liberty than normal and leave them at home without control. That is how they become exposed to adult films, teenage sex, and other vices. 

Recently, I got a call from a distressed woman who caught their 15-year-old brought from Africa recently having sex in her family home. She raised the alarm, rebuked the girl and she ran out of the house to the social services. She has not been back. 

The woman kicked the man out the moment they got to the UK and she also lost her 15-year-old daughter who told her father everything mummy had been doing including noises when making love with her boyfriend!

What did she gain? The law that you use to get advantage is the same law that will work against you. The law often takes the children from you or puts them in prison. 

Do not deprive your children of their father or paint your wife as an irresponsible mother to gain control of the children. It will end in tears. In any case, which sensible father will abandon his children?

Listen closely, the law that says you can’t touch your children is the same law that gives them a criminal record and puts them in prison. Once a child enters the criminal justice system, there is usually no way back. 

Let me close with the implications of criminality for an immigrant child who is yet to become a British citizen and is sentenced to a prison sentence of 12 months or more, he will face deportation from the UK and if deported, may never be back. 

Did I say that children raised by both parents do not have issues? I did not say that. 

The effects of parents separating have an everlasting impact on most children as they usually develop mental health issues. Let me ask you, what would you gain by destroying your children’s lives?

I forgot to add that it started from parental conflicts where ego met with ego. Most of these things start with association. Bad friends, bad associations, poor education, and lack of understanding." -Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2023)



"I will not stop thanking God for making me to know him. There is much in God that we cannot finish exploring. 

Today, let me warn you about association whether as a pastor or as a member. No one is above spiritual attacks and unexplainable challenges. 

There are people who will enter into your life to live with you, work for you, be your friend, or become your spouse and everything that could go wrong will go wrong. 

So, pray very well before you employ that worker. Pray very well before you take that person into your home. Pray very well before you marry that person. Pray very well before you lend money to that person. Pray very well as a pastor or as an individual before you take up the responsibility of helping that person. 

As a pastor, we see a lot spiritually. When we say NO, people will be mad at us but we cannot tell them why we said no. The secrets of the Lord is with them that fear him. When a pastor says NO, do not fight him so you don’t turn God against yourself. God instructed him on what not to do and if you start fighting him, you will have issues. 

So, I have a friend who is a pastor. He saw someone who needed help and he employed him to be working with him. A few weeks later, he had a dream. The Lord told him that the person he took on would lead to his bankruptcy or early death. He woke up in the morning and sent him packing. He told him what God said and that was it. 

One of his assistant pastors in his early 40s got angry and took the man into his house. He started fighting the pastor and left the church. 

When he entered the assistant pastor’s house, money stopped flowing and the man started fighting his wife. The assistant pastor fell ill within three months and died. The man he helped packed his belongings and left. The wife of the assistant pastor said their lives turned upside down since the day he entered their home. This is a real-life story. 

Listen closely, babies will despise spiritual exposition like this. A madman will say there is no God. People who died do not come back to tell their stories. If you survive the challenges of helping an accursed man or woman, you will tell the stories with tears and regrets. 

Pray so that Jonah will not enter into the boat of your life. Also, pray for the courage to throw the Jonah into the sea if the boat of your life is already sinking. 

Pray before you employ that driver or housemaid. Do not just take one that is available. 

in 2018, my friend gave me a driver in Lagos to take me to the airport. Within 4 miles, I got out of the car and called a taxi. I told my friend that if he wanted to live long, he should get rid of the driver. I told him death was following him. A year later, I asked my friend jokingly where was that driver. He said he was buried last week. He died in a car accident. 

Don’t use sentiments when it comes to spiritual things. Obey the Lord and you will reap the rewards of obedience. Be discerning and sensitive so you don’t suffer unnecessary setbacks in life. 

Dele Olawanle is my name. I am a pastor and a coach." -Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2023).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

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