Thursday, 31 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #130.

"My mother did something astonishing and unexpected. She sent us a message for an urgent family meeting at the family house. Four of us gathered there, but surprisingly, Mama didn't welcome us with her usual warmth. Though she responded to our greetings, we could all sense the coldness in her voice.
Even my father was surprised to see all his sons, and he questioned Mama about the reason for the meeting. However, she told him to wait patiently and find out why.
Mama thanked us for leaving our busy schedules to respond to her call. "But I want you all to know that I am not a happy woman. You have all offended me. Anyone who offends my husband offends me."
My father tried to say something, but Mama communicated with him through her eyes, and he just smiled without speaking.
"I don't know about my other siblings, but I know I haven't offended you or Papa in any way," my elder brother said.
"Really?" Mama responded.
"I'm sure, Mama."
The rest of us also reassured her in the same way. She sighed and then smiled sadly.
"When was your father's birthday?" she asked.
We all looked at each other with guilt on our faces.
"Yesterday!" I said.
"If I can remember correctly, not a single call or SMS came from any of you to him. But you wouldn't forget mine. If it were my birthday, you would have posted it on your social media handles, including your wives. I would have received calls from all of you, and my account would be overflowing. I have watched this for years, and I won't allow it to continue," she said.
My father shifted in his chair, clearly surprised by the reason Mama called for the meeting.
"Is there any month you fail to send me money? But how many of you remember to do the same for my husband, or is he not your father? Even when I am not asking, you send me money. What about my husband? How can you show care and love for me and look at my husband as a stranger? In fact, stop sending me anything! You have your father's phone number, yet when you call me, you say, 'Send our regards to our father.' What nonsense!
We became uncomfortable because she was speaking the truth. I remembered how we celebrated her birthday. In fact, I personally invited a saxophonist to play for her.
"Who do you think paid your school fees? Are you all not graduates? Who paid the rent before we moved into our own home? My husband ensured that food was always on the table. Should I mention the other bills he handled? I supported him in the way I could. He was always busy making money, and when he was home, he took you out and was part of your lives. You think he didn't try? You think he doesn't deserve your love and attention? Oh! You think it's only the mother that deserves to be pampered, and your dad should be treated like trash? No way! Not my husband."
Mama wiped away the tears that escaped her eyes.
"So you planned to celebrate my husband in death, buying many cows to make people believe that when he was alive, you all cared. Thank God you are all men with children who are growing. Whatever you sow is definitely what you will reap. You think my husband doesn't cry? He doesn't feel pain? Of course, you wouldn't know."
Mama stared intently at all of us before wiping away another tear that slipped down her cheek.
"I'm not going to be among the group of women who make their husbands irrelevant before their children, who tell their children lies about their father, making it seem as if the man didn't play any significant role in the lives of the children. I know there are men who are bad and irresponsible. I'm not talking about such ones. No role played by a father is small, and I won't allow you to take my husband for granted. This man here is a lion, my crown, the king of my heart, and at 75, he still makes my heart flutter and race. None of you will trample on him," she said, raising her voice.
While we were still speechless and trying to absorb all she had said, she stood up abruptly and went to her room. She soon returned with my father's car key and her purse and took my father's hand.
"Let's go," she said without my father objecting. He just stood up and followed her.
"To where?" my siblings asked in unison.
"I'm taking my husband on a date to celebrate his birthday."
"But Mama..."
She silenced us with her eyes. It was obvious she wasn't giving us an opportunity to say anything.
"Lock the door and gate and take the key along with you," she instructed my elder brother. "I have a spare key."
They entered the car, and Mum drove off. We, the children, had our own meeting and agreed that we had made a mistake. We knew we were not returning to our own homes without settling things with our mother. We called our wives and told them we might sleep over at our parents' home because we didn't know when they will return.
It was almost 7:30 pm when Mama drove into the compound. She wasn't surprised that we were still around, but Dad was. One by one, we apologized to our parents and promised to change. Mama went to her bedroom and returned with a bible. She opened the book of Ephesians and read chapter 6:2 which says 'Honour your father and mother,' which is the first commandment with a promise.
"The Bible doesn't say honour only your mother and forget your father. Beautifully, this commandment comes with a promise. In verse 3, it says, 'that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth."
Mama took her time to expand on this Bible verse, opening our eyes to what we had never known. At the end, she asked Papa to pray for us. He was so excited that he prayed a heartfelt prayer.
We couldn't return home but chatted late into the night. I must mention that Mama prepared us a sumptuous meal.
Dear reader, Don't wait until Father's Day or Papa's birthday to celebrate him. Pick up your phone and give him a call. Don't forget him in your life.
Wives celebrate your husbands. Don't join those women to incite their children to hate their fathers. Don't turn your children against your husband.
Family relationships are precious and should be nurtured and celebrated continuously. Don't wait for a special occasion to show your love and gratitude to your parents; do it every day."🧏-Anonymous author.

"My dog helps my daughter carry her backpack after she gets off the school bus...@Aliyahda" (2024)
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Monday, 21 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #129.

"Nigeria’s N121.67 trillion debt worrisome, by Afe Babalola"

"Nigeria’s external debt is the largest amongst all sub-Saharan African nations, despite the fact that it received debt waivers from the Paris Club, London Club or from Independent Creditors. The arrears of this debt have accumulated inexorably, putting Nigeria in the bad books of international financial communities.  Also, Nigeria’s huge debt profile has negatively affected its economy, hence, a big reason to worry.

Nigeria’s vivid debt history

Nigeria’s public debt dates back to its colonial rule. The first recorded public borrowing was in 1923-24 when a loan of £5.7 million was taken by the Nigerian Protectorate at an annual interest rate of 2.5 percent and with a structured repayment time of 20 years. In 1927, another £1 million loan was taken from the Bank of England to finance the construction of the Lago-Port Harcourt Railway.

This loan was guaranteed by the British Government and was repaid in 1938. In 1936, the Nigerian Protectorate took another loan of £4.89 million. From 1946 to 1948, it took additional loan of £5.74 million. In 1958, the Nigerian Protectorate took a loan of £28 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, which is also known as the World Bank to finance the expansion of the Kainji Dam and the Ugheli Power Station. This was repaid in 1978. 

By the end of the Colonial rule, Nigeria had a national debt of $31 million at an interest rate of 3.5 percent per annum and a repayment period spanning two decades. 

Post Independence Debts

Following its independence in 1960, Nigeria continued incurring both domestic and external debt to finance its development needs. It borrowed from the World Bank, the International Development Association, the International Monetary Fund, the African Development Bank, the European Economic Community and bilateral creditors such as the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China. The main sources of domestic loans are the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank, the Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank, and the Nigerian Bank of Commerce and Industry. 

1. Debts under the First Republic 

It is noteworthy that Nigeria took no external loan from 1963 to 1966 when Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was president. 

2. Debts under the Military Rule from 1966 till 1979

Post independent. It was under the military that Nigeria started taking foreign loans. 

a. Under the rule of General Yakubu Gowon from 1966 to 1975, Nigeria’s debt profile rose by $1.687 billion. 

b. From 1975 to 1976 under the rule of General Murtala Mohammed, Nigeria’s debt dropped from $1.69 billion to $1.33 billion.

c. Under the rule of General Olusegun Obasanjo from 1976 to 1979, Nigeria’s debt increased by $4.90 billion. 

3. Debts under the Second Republic: Nigeria’s debt increased by $11.33 billion from 1979 to 1983 under the democratic leadership of Alhaji Shehu Shagari 

4. Debts under the Military Rule from 1983 to 1993 

a. Under the rule of General Muhammadu Buhari from 1983-1953, Nigeria’s debt increased by $1.078 billion.

b. Under the rule of General Ibrahim Babangida from 1985 to 1993, Nigeria’s debt increased by $12.04 billion.

5. There was no recorded debt under the Third Republic

6. Debts under the military rule from 1993 to 1999

a. Under the rule of General Sani Abacha from 1993 to 1998 Nigeria’s external debt dropped from $30.7 billion to $30.31 billion. 

b. Under the rule of General Abdulsalami Abubakar from 1998 to 1999, Nigeria’s debt dropped from $30.32 billion to $29.1 billion

7. Debts under the Fourth Republic

a. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo met a foreign debt of $28.04 billion and domestic debt of N798 billion in 1999. Chief Obasanjo was worried about the foreign debts, hence he embarked on a world tour meeting with the Paris Club and other creditors of Nigeria and he pleaded for the forgiveness or reduction of Nigeria’s debts. This led to a huge reduction of Nigeria’s external debt from $28.04 billion to $2.11 billion. Consequent upon his efforts and prudent management, he left the presidential office in 2007 with an external debt of $2.11 billion and domestic debt of N2.17 trillion. This was a total of 31.8% decrease in the Federal Government’s debt from N3.55 trillion to N2.42 trillion.

b. President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua ruled from 2007 to 2011. Within this time, domestic debt increased from N2.17 trillion to N5.62 trillion. Foreign debt increased from $2.11 billion to $3.5 billion. That is an increased debt from N2.4 trillion to N5.62 trillion in four years. Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan completed President Yar’Adua’s tenure. In that one year, the Federal Government debt increased from N4.94 trillion to N6.17 trillion.

c. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan commenced his tenure in office in 2011 with a foreign debt of $3.5 billion and left with a debt of $7.3 billion. Domestic debt increased to N8.4 trillion by 2015. This translates to an increase in national debt from N6.17 trillion to N9.8 trillion.

d. President Muhammadu Buhari increased the domestic debt from to N8.4 trillion to N19.24 trillion and external debt from $7.3 billion to $33.62 billion.

e. On assumption of office, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu inherited a domestic debt of N19.24 trillion and external debt of $33.62 billion. By the end of the first quarter of 2024, Nigeria has domestic debt of N65.65 trillion and external debt of $42.12 billion, totalling N121.67 trillion. In addition to this, the states owe a total of N4.07 trillion.



It is therefore worrisome that Nigeria is reported to be taking more debts. In September 2024, the world bank approved a $1.57 billion loan for Nigeria to support its health and education sectors and help provide sustainable power. In June 2024, the World Bank approved $2.25 to be disbursed to Nigeria for Economic Stabilization. In the same year, Nigeria took $8.8 billion debt to be repaid with unexplored oil. This is a total of $12.62 billion in addition to already existing debt.

The questions are: 

1. What have we done with all these loans and what are we proposing to do with these additional loans?

2. Where will the Federal Government draw the line on financing the Nigerian economy with debt? 

3. When are we repaying the loans?

4. Where are we going to get the money to repay the loans?

The several trillions of Naira taken as loan has not reflected positively on the economy. Where are the projects on which we spent all these monies? Regrettably at 64 years post-independence, Nigeria still suffers from infrastructural decay, declining foreign investments, declining educational standards from infrastructural deficits, increase in the rate of poverty, unrivaled rates of inflation and an astronomical fall of the value of the Naira in international market. 


A passionate plea to rescue Nigeria

The Nigerian debt burden has retarded internal development and hindered economic growth in Nigeria. Most government funds are diverted towards debt servicing rather than essential public services. Governments have also taken to financing their debts through other debts. All these have exacerbated the poverty rate in Nigeria leading to the conclusion that Nigeria urgently needs an economic rescue. 


In view of the dire state of the economy of Nigeria, the Federal Government should:

1. Adopt Chief Obasanjo’s laid down example by approaching the lenders for total forgiveness of the debts or reduction, and in any event the waiver of the payment of the interests on the debts. 

2. Set up committees to investigate and ascertain the actual amounts borrowed, the purposes for which they were borrowed, the accounts into which the monies were paid into and the projects for which the debts were utilised.  

3. Enquire into whether it is true or not that Nigeria’s unexplored crude oil was sold in advance. If so, what the money was spent on.  

4. Urgently revive national oil refineries to reduce the importation of refined oil in Nigeria. This will leave more monies in government coffers which can then be utilised in the repayment of our debts. 

5. Reduce the cost of governance by adopting the practice in the First Republic where law makers regarded their positions as opportunities to serve and only took sitting allowances. 

6. Place premium on infrastructural development and reduce recurrent expenditures on politics or governance.  

7. Use all recovered proceeds of corruption to service national and international debts.

8. Encourage, promote and finance the development of the agricultural sector and discourage the mindset of Nigerians that politics is the only lucrative business in Nigeria.

All imaginable economic woes have visited Nigeria. However, there is still hope for our beloved nation. A hope that needs political will to thrive." 

"A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies."- Friedrich Nietzsche

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #128.

"Nigerian lady reveals what life in the U.K as a salary earner looks like."-Instablog9ja's post on X-platform (2024).
"URINE COLORS (Comprehensive)"
"Have you ever looked at the color of your urine and wondered what it means? 
It turns out, urine color can tell you a lot about what's happening in your body. 
Let me explain
A thread"-Pharm. Greatman's post on X-platform (2024).

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #127.


"(1). Dealing with cancer??? First step is to stop all sugar intake.

(2). Second step is to blend a whole lemon fruit with a cup of hot water and drink it for about 1 months first thing before-

Check Thread πŸ‘‡"-Prince Fynn's post on X-platform (2024).

"If you don't master the art of managing time, you can never have mastery over money. And if you don't master money, other people will master you. You see, your earning ability is tied to your productivity. And productivity simply refers to the results you achieve and the time it takes you to achieve them. People who do not understand time management deliver activity, while those who have mastered the art of managing time deliver results. And at the end of the day, people would rather pay for results than activity."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #126.

"NO school fees.
Free hostel.
Free food.
Free internet.
Free uniform.
Free laptop for every child.
24/7 Power supply.
ALL paid by the town’s king.
The king teaches too in the school.
We should celebrate such a nigerian! What makes this school remarkable is that one major criterion for getting in is being poor. If your parents are rich, you cannot get admission.
Unlike other schools,
Abolarin College wants poor kids who are very brilliant.
If you are poor but brilliant,
The king will admit you! The king believes poor brilliant kids should be also given an opportunity to become something in life- so that the future does not belong only to those born with silver spoons in their mouth.
The king himself has a law degree and masters in law- and he also teaches in the school. From what I gathered, the king has only one wife. He is not using the money of the kingdom to accumulate wives or properties.
He is investing it in education of future leaders while he aims to reduce the burden of illiteracy in society.
This is one man that fully has my respect. It doesn’t matter the religion. It is not about nepotism, neither is it restricted to Yoruba children nor children from Oke ila.
It is about any less privileged child anywhere who is willing to be educated.
That is why the only criterion for admission is poverty and brilliance. Many of those kids previously hawked pepper, sachet water, fruits etc.
Some came from farms where all they did was work under the hot sun weeding and planting. Many are orphans, hawkers, child labourers, delinquents, sons of petty traders.
But now they have hope.
And a future. Anyway I’m impressed with the king of Oke ila Orangun.
He doesn’t know me from anywhere.
And I’ve never met him either.
But I’m very inspired by his work, his initiative and by what he has done setting up a free standard school for poor brilliant students.
May God bless him.-copied"-A. Ayofe's post on X-platform (2024). Slightly Edited.
ABOLARIN COLLEGE, Oke-Ila, Osun State and the traditional ruler-teacher.

"One day, almost everything on Earth will be run by AI. Therefore, anticipate the future by doing two things. First, get your money out of banks and into AI stocks like NVIDIA, which is the best-performing stock in the S&P 500 in the last five years. You could also buy Micron and AMD. The second is this: Learn a skill that will be difficult for AI to replace, or be prepared to join millions of people in tomorrow's unemployment line."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Curriculum vitae and a resume as an integral part of the job search process: Our consulting organisation’s offerings to customers.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #125.

"Ear infections can be a real pain, literally! πŸ˜–

But the good news is, many of them are preventable with simple habits. 

This thread explains causes, signs, and easy ways to keep your ears healthy! - in simple terms 

Unroll πŸ‘‡πŸΎ"-Pharm Greatman's post on X-platform (2024).

"Coding is going to be the most vital skill of the future. As with all skills, the earlier you learn them, the easier and better it is for you. Prepare your children to be ready for tomorrow by empowering them to learn coding. If all your child does is sit in front of a screen, tablet, or handset playing video games or endlessly scrolling on social media, you are preparing them to be zombies who will be controlled in the future by children learning real-life skills like coding. Coding will make the world binary by separating humanity into those who can code and those who consume what is coded."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

"Nigerian wonderkid who bagged PhD in Maths at 16."-Ade James Osobukola
Watch the video hereπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing Without Beating About The Bush.

Friday, 11 October 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #124.


"I am currently dealing with two cases where two of my clients were duped of £489,000 and £400,000, respectively, by so-called agents in the UK who said they would help them buy properties. I am sad to say my clients and the so-called agents are all Nigerians. While there are many honest people in this property business, there are also many fraudulent agents. Take note of the following before you deal with any agents:

# You must sign an agreement with them before transferring money to them. 

# You must have a photographic ID, such as a passport or UK driving license. 

# You must communicate with them via email and WhatsApp, not just via email. You must also have their physical address, like a utility bill, especially if you live abroad. 

# They must send you a letter on their official letterhead. 

# You must involve a UK lawyer very early, especially if you live abroad. At least get legal advice before you do anything. 

# You must have the details of the properties they are trying to buy, including the offers, the sellers, and the estate agents. 

# You must send the funds to the Solicitors' client account handling the matter. 

# Do not allow them to buy it in their names. Wherever you are in the world, you can buy a property in the UK without having the right to live there, provided the source of your money is clean and will pass through the official channels to get to the UK. 

# Do not allow them to keep you in the dark. It is better not to own a property in the UK than to lose all your life savings. 

You have been warned. Repost aggressively."-Dele Olawanle's post on X-platform (2024).
Dele Olawanle

"1. For stress, eat banana and watermelon.

 2. For good skin, eat lemon and apple and coconut.

3. For good eyes, eat carrot and apple.

4. For cough, eat pineapple and garlic.

5. For diarrhea, eat coconut and avocado.

6. For good gut, eat cabbage 

7. For hydration, eat cucumber and orange.

8. For good kidney, drink 5 liters of water a day and beans.

9. For good heart, eat avocado and beans

10. For good prostate, eat tomato and  Sour sop and carrots.

11. For more red blood cells, eat beetroot and carrot.

12.  For good erection, eat watermelon, Carrot and banana.

13. For strong bones & immunity, eat eggs.

 Eat fruits everyday, Kindly repost this for others."-Prince Fynn's post on X-platform (2024).

π•πˆπƒπ„πŽ: πƒπ«π¨π§πžπ¬ πƒπžπ₯𝐒𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐒𝐧 π‚π‘π’π§πš  

"The most popular food delivery company in China has adopted drone technology for efficient food delivery in the Shenzhen area of China. 

This development has sparked excitement among Chinese citizens.

This was disclosed in a statement and video shared by a couple of travel vloggers Adriana and Dylan, on their TikTok page recently..."-Punch Newspaper's post on X-platform (2024).
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Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

411. "Half truths, many lies: Fact-checking Kemi Badenoch" 2nd February 2025 By  Imoleayo Oyedeji "Since emerging...