Friday 27 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #122.

"Stop wasting time searching for jobs on LinkedIn and Upwork. That's so old-fashioned!!!

Here are 17 new and unique websites to get hired in 30 days. Remember, you can do these remote jobs in the evening from home after your 9-5 job."-Felix's post on X-platform (2024)

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #119.

"Sometimes what everyone sees is not the reality......Always have a broad mind to what you see and believe in. There is always a slight chance you might be wrong in your assumptions. Believe it or not 8 out of 10 times our assumptions are wrong all because we fail or refuse to see the reality before us JUST ZOOM THIS PICTURE TO ITS LARGEST LIMIT"-Anonymous author.

When I got married, I didn’t have any money to take my wife to honeymoon. We stayed in the house that we just rented. No Money for Honeymoon . 
Me, that it was my Big Sister that rented the flat for me so that I would not bring my wife to her house. 
     Shey, Me, that it was my Best Man that bought my suit and shirt so that I could wear the same thing with him. 
     Shey Me, that it was my Sister-in-Law that graciously bought the shoes and socks that I wore on my Wedding Day. 
      Gloria and I went around to see where we could rent a Wedding gown and we got a place and told them we would come back with the money, before a Sister in our Ministry gave us the money to deposit for sowing a Wedding Gown. 
     Me, that I took my wife to the Registry to ask about Court Marriage and they told us the money to pay for the event, it was a very small amount of money. It was around N170.00 (One Hundred and Seventy NAIRA). But we could not get the Money so we collected their forms and never returned with it because I could noIt get the  money required. 
     So we went to the Wedding without the Registry. So we never had Government Marriage Certificate until about Six years ago when and Embassy demanded for it, because we didn’t have the money for Court Marraige. 
All the  Money we got on our Wedding day was used to settle the debts of the printer who printed out Wedding Programs and other things. 
So, two days after our Wedding, we had no money on us again. 
The following Saturday we had a drama ministrations in ILESA, and we stood beside the road looking for “Lift” to ministration venue. 
But here we are sponsored by GRACE, I thank God I did nt marry a lady who would put me on unwarranted pressures and unnecessary constraints. 
Glory be to God for GLORIA!"-Mike Bamiloye's post on X-platform (2024).

"My mum called me to her room one day & said God showed her that a lady took me to a private place & was going to have sex with me.

I said God forbid…
She said watch out and pray. I did

2 days later while I was reading after school. I unusually stayed back to read for exams. I usually read at home. I was in SS3 & also the senior prefect/head boy of the school.

This girl whom I liked as a friend walked up to me & said she wants to show me something. She is a classmate & I somewhat trusted her so I went with her. She took me to the last floor of an uncompleted building within the premise of the school. At the time, the school was empty.

When we got there, wondering what she wanted to show me, she started kissing me & taking off her clothes. At the point, I lost my senses, like a spell was on me; but God’s mercies brought my mom’s dream to my thoughts & I pulled off immediately, packed my stuff and ran home.

This woman, God had used her to deliver me multiple times & I celebrate & thank her for always being there."-Don Tobechukwu Ade's post on X-platform (2024).
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Monday 23 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #118.

"The Egyptians called Aloe the ‘Plant of immortality’.

Greek scientists referred to it as the ‘Universal panacea’.

Aloe Vera contains 75 potentially active constituents, from vitamins to amino acids.

Here are 6 amazing benefits of Aloe Vera. 👇🏼

1. It accelerates wound healing

Aloe Vera promotes wound healing by not only increasing collagen content, but changing the composition as well. 

It soothes the skin, heals minor cuts and sun burns.

2. Good moisturizing agent

Aloe Vera contains mucopolysaccharides that help to bind moisture into the skin.

It is perfect for both dry and oily skin. It softens hardened skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Has anti inflammatory properties

Aloe Vera contains an anti inflammatory compound called C-glucosyl chromone.

It reduces skin redness and inflammation.

It is also beneficial for people prone to allergic reactions like eczema, and psoriasis.

4. Improves digestive health 

Aloe Vera juice is a potent laxative. It increases intestinal water content and peristalsis.

This means it prevents constipation and soothes issues like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome

5. Supports immune function

Aloe Vera contains antioxidants like Vitamins C and E, that target free radicals in the body.

This helps boost immune function and protect the body from infections.

6. Anti viral and anti tumor activity

Aloe Vera contains anthraquinones that inactivates viruses like herpes simplex, varicella zoster and influenza.

There’re also studies that show the gel is beneficial in cancer chemo prevention.

In summary, why should you use Aloe Vera gel or drink it’s juice?

- For your skin, it increases the production of collagen and reduces wrinkles.

- For minor cuts and sunburn, it soothes and heals the surface of the wound.

- For your digestive system, it prevents constipation and helps to heal sores in the stomach.

- For immune function, it boosts your immune system.

- For allergic reactions, it is anti inflammatory and soothes skin redness.

Have you used Aloe Vera before? Was it effective?"-Pharm. Oluoma's post on X-platform (2024).

"Billionaire CEO of Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson, paid a surprise visit to one of Virgin Atlantic branches and found an employee napping on a couch. He took a photo beside him and published it with the following:  "In order to remain the first company in the customers' satisfaction, this employee worked so hard and now he's so tired, which forced him to rest a little."
Perspectives and Perception are key drivers in life. While he sees him as a tired employee that needed some rest, another boss somewhere may see it as sleeping on duty. It's always good to view things from other perspectives and also put a human face to it. Much Respect, Sir Branson!"-©️ Betty's Desk

"Size does not always determine victory. A machete can cut down a tree, but it can’t shave your beard, while a razor blade can’t cut down trees, but it can shave your beard. Success lies in wait for you when you focus on your area of strength. If a razor tries to cut down a tree, it will be a failure in life. 

So, stop comparing yourself to others. Everything shines when it is its time. Whether the sun, moon, or stars. Take you for example. You don’t put on your lights during the day because it is not the right time. You, too, will shine. Your time is coming soon. 

Everyone is not in the same time zone as you. When it is night in Australia, it is still morning in America. Thus, don’t compare yourself to others whose time has come. 

An elephant is pregnant for two years. A rabbit is pregnant for a month. Rats are pregnant for just two weeks. The length differs because their offspring are different. You’re pregnant with an enormity. Don’t compare yourself to someone pregnant with mediocrity. That orange is in season doesn’t mean corn won’t have its own season. Wait for your season!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #122.

336. " Stop wasting time searching for jobs on LinkedIn and Upwork. That's so old-fashioned!!! Here are 17 new and unique websites ...