Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #9.


"Stop stumbling and falling over something behind you. Learn the necessary lessons and move on. Your joy won't last if you live in the past. Stop recycling the hurts and grief people gave you. That is why you are not inspired or have any ideas. The disk space on your head is filled up with negativity. If you don't get up and get on with life, you will be stuck in the past forever.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Recipe for success in life: 

•Be proactive 

•Be productive 

•Take initiative 

•Plot success instead of revenge 

•Build in secret 

•Deliver results, not activity 

•Trust God. Confide in Him, not people 

•Don’t compete with people. Complete your mission 

•Focus on the vision, not division.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Banks are failing all over the world. Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, Heartland Tristate Bank, and First Republic Bank are some of the major banks that failed in America this year alone. Hundreds of other banks have failed worldwide. The BRIC nations are now hanging up against the dollar. There is a war amongst fiat currencies. That is why cryptocurrency is the future. It will replace fiat currency. The only viable alternative to cryptocurrency as a counterbalance to fiat currency is gold, because Inflation hardly affects the value of gold. And it's value is eternal. Plus, it is fully fungible and there is always a strong demand for gold. To protect yourself divide your wealth into four. Invest a quarter in the S&P 500, a quarter in REITs, another quarter in crypto, and the final fourth in gold.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Read books to your children every day. Don't let them get addicted to smartphones and social media. Let them get addicted to reading. Children who read today will govern kids who browse social media today. Social media entertains the mind. It destroys their ability to focus and pay attention. It does not make your kids posh. It turns them into mosh. It hardly expands their minds. But reading expends, educates and improves the mind. And if they don't like reading, you must start to read yourself. They are more likely to read if they see you reading.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).



''I did a family case recently where the wife of a client refused to allow him to see his children aged 13, 15, and 17. The children also said they did not want to have anything to do with their father and he did not know why. The man became depressed because he had always looked after the family and paid for most things regarding his children’s needs before the wife kicked him out. The woman however told the children that their father was irresponsible and that she was the one paying for everything. The children therefore hated their father but my client did not know why. We were able to get contact through the court and he took the children for lunch. He then asked them why they hated him so much and the children said in unison that it was because he was not looking after them but left everything to mummy. The man wept bitterly and after coming to himself opened his banking app to show them his bank statements dating back to many years. He showed them all the bank transfers to their mother and the children were dumbfounded. They apologized profusely to their father. They promised to show him love for the rest of their lives. They also thanked him for his love for them. It was not the woman’s fault but the man who did everything through the banking app. Technology can become a problem. Sometimes, you must give money to your wife in the presence of the children. Let them see you doing it. And you ladies too should let your children know when you are giving money to support the family. This can happen to anybody. Some men and women are so wicked. I have been taking care of my parents and parents-in-law by sending money to them but I do let my children know so that we are not abandoned at our old age. You may think you don’t need the children but old age will surprise you when you become very vulnerable. They need to be by your side. Let me tell you, what the children see is what they will emulate. Some things are not taught but caught by observation. Let them know what you are doing so you are not abandoned in your old age. You have been warned.'' -Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


''As you slept last night, your rent was running. Your electric bill was running. Your data was running. In other words, you woke up owing more than you did before sleeping. That’s why you need passive income. So when you sleep, you can also make money, not just debt. Invest in an S&P 500 Index Fund, a mutual fund, a Gold ETF, a REIT, or crypto. Or write a self-published Amazon KDP book, or get a monetised YouTube channel. These are almost guaranteed to make you money as you sleep, so you wake up richer, not poorer.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''21 Ways To Attract Money 

Learn new skills 

No matter how small, have a portfolio of investments 

Always be proactive. 

Don't be baited to react 

Have a mentor 

Be a mentor 

Spend at least 15 minutes daily in undistracted thinking (ideating) 

Find time to relax and recreate or stressing will rob you of blessing 

Accept that your life is 100% your responsibility 

Workout regularly (fit people get paid more) 

Use your social media to project your business and add contact details 

Be a good listener Avoid watching TV until the evenings and use the day to focus on your job or business 

Maintain and expand your network 

Avoid negative people 

Learn a new word daily and express yourself better 

Don’t be up to date. 

Be up to tomorrow 

Stop saving and start investing 

Never spend to impress 

Be punctual 

Don’t be nice.'' -Reno  Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).

A marketing textbook (paper back) entitled ''Marketing: Principles & Practice'' (2nd Edition) by Aderemi Adeleye on Amazon.com 

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #8.


''If you know what it takes to raise a child, you will never disrespect your parents.'' -Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


''7 Ways To Improve Your Life Immediately •Analyse your life and discover your purpose •Think of your strengths and the tools you have access to that can help you fulfil that purpose •Create a 1 year, 5 year and 10 year plan •Study money so you can master it. Instead of it mastering you •Fast off your modern devices (smartphones, Internet, TV) and hold fast to God •Read a book you have been meaning to read •And finally, bond with your family and get to know them better.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''YOUR PHONE AND SLEEPING ON DUTY. If you are new to the UK as a worker, using your phone while on duty is not allowed in most workplaces and could lead to disciplinary action. Unknown to you, the place of work may be covered by CCTV. Also, sleeping on duty is prohibited and again you may be on CCTV. If you are a skilled worker and you lose your job for these reasons, you may be on your way back to your home country as the employer may withdraw the sponsorship. Rest well before leaving for work, and make the necessary calls before you leave home or whilst on break. Don’t let a lazy conversation that you can have after work cost you your job and your stay here. Put that phone away. Do the work that you are being paid to do. Lest I forget, some workers are already in a mess for the same reasons.'' -Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Saving money in banks is like managing your poverty. Managed poverty is still poverty. No bank on Earth will give you interest rates much higher than the inflation rate. Instead invest your money. Buy forex. Buy land. Buy shares. Go to village farm markets and buy produce for resale in cities. Don’t buy poverty! The only reason to save is to save to invest. If you save for the future, you are like a man who saves ice for when he is thirsty. On the day of thirst, the ice will be smaller than it was on the day of deposit. Don’t save money. Save your future!'' Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Albert Einstein's parents thought he was mentally challenged because he did not speak on time. Google it. Yet, he turned out to be one of the most intelligent people that ever lived. Learn from that. Delay does not mean deficiency or backwardness. Two minutes is enough if you are cooking Indomie noodles. But two hours is not enough if you are cooking a banquet. You are a banquet in the making. That is why your success is taking time. By the time your success banquet is ready, it will outshine any Indomie success that was taunting and mocking you for your delay. Go and research this. One thousand Silver and Bronze Olympic medals are not equal to one Gold Medal. You are a potential Gold Medal success. Don't bother yourself if Silver and Bronze get their awards before you!'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''When you go anywhere for the first time, don’t immediately be friendly with those you meet. It is a terrible strategy. Utilise some emotional intelligence. You don’t know them. And not all of them will be deserving of your friendship. So, be courteous, until you know who is deserving of your friendship. Don't be standoffish. But also don't be overfamiliar. Much of your issues in life will come from confiding in people who are just curious about you and have no interest in being your friend. That a person is friendly does not make them your friend. The serpent was friendly to Eve. The rest is history.'' -Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Four steps to achievement:

Plan purposefully,

Prepare prayerfully,

Proceed positively,

Pursue persistently''-William A. Ward.


''CRITICISM IS SO EASY: Critics often have a very narrow view of life or fewer facts about who and what they are criticizing. They are some of miserable fellows on the earth. Some of them are poisoned by envy or jealousy. Some of them are frustrated and bitter. Make sure you are not one of them as it will limit your worth. What you don’t honor you cannot attract. I have often said that, if anyone wants to criticize me or any successful person, show me what you have done better with your life. If you can’t show me something you have done better, keep quiet. It is easier to criticize than to achieve something meaningful. Talk is very cheap.'' -Dele Olawanle's post on X-Platform (2023).

An ebook captioned ''Marketing: Principles & Practice'' (2nd Edition) by Aderemi Adeleye on Amazon.com 

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #7.


''Don't read to pass exams. Don't read to pass the time. Don't read to pass away. Read to open your mind. You should understand that your human mind is locked, and books are the keys that open it. The more you read, the more open-minded you are. And the more open-minded you are, the more good can enter your mind. And as the mind goes, so goes the man.''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''HOW TO SUCCEED AS A BLACK PERSON IN THE UK AND ELSEWHERE. As a black person in the UK, you have two barriers to break for you to succeed. You have to break the barriers of your skin color. Whether you want to admit it or not, you are prejudiced by it. The second barrier is an offshoot of the first. It is the barrier of the mind. It says “I am black and so, life will be difficult. I am black, I cannot get that position”. Many have died with that mindset without fulfilling their dreams. Today, I challenge you to break both barriers and leave your footprint on the sands of time. It is possible.''-Dele Olawanle's post  on X-Platform (2023).


''When you are writing resumes or CVs for jobs, project your skills. Don't just list your degrees and think you have impressed potential employers. These guys are entrepreneurs. They want to see evidence. Degrees are evidence that you can cram and pass an exam. Skills are proof that you can actually do the job. A degree is like saying, 'I know how to drive'. Having a skill, on the other hand, is like saying 'I have driven before'. If you are the one to fill the vacancy, who will you choose?''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).


''Stop saying 'that is not fair'. Expecting fairness is one of the hallmarks of immaturity. Life is not fair. Life is life. Deal with the reality of life, not the illusion of fairness. Understand that there are facts of life. And those facts of life are realities. They do not have to be fair to you. They are just universal principles that apply to you and everyone else in life. God did not create life to be fair to you, or anybody. He created life for His own pleasure. He loved Jacob and hated Esau-Romans 9:13. Does that sound fair? But it is a reality. Deal with it. Some people who graduated after you will succeed before you. Your juniors may marry before you. The person you like may not like you back. And the ones who like you, you may not like back. Those are facts of life. Expectation that life should be fair leads to frustration. So, take the bitter with the better without going asunder!''-Reno Omokri's post on X-Platform (2023).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants 

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #148.

411. "Half truths, many lies: Fact-checking Kemi Badenoch" 2nd February 2025 By  Imoleayo Oyedeji "Since emerging...