Tuesday 24 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #119.

"Sometimes what everyone sees is not the reality......Always have a broad mind to what you see and believe in. There is always a slight chance you might be wrong in your assumptions. Believe it or not 8 out of 10 times our assumptions are wrong all because we fail or refuse to see the reality before us JUST ZOOM THIS PICTURE TO ITS LARGEST LIMIT"-Anonymous author.

When I got married, I didn’t have any money to take my wife to honeymoon. We stayed in the house that we just rented. No Money for Honeymoon . 
Me, that it was my Big Sister that rented the flat for me so that I would not bring my wife to her house. 
     Shey, Me, that it was my Best Man that bought my suit and shirt so that I could wear the same thing with him. 
     Shey Me, that it was my Sister-in-Law that graciously bought the shoes and socks that I wore on my Wedding Day. 
      Gloria and I went around to see where we could rent a Wedding gown and we got a place and told them we would come back with the money, before a Sister in our Ministry gave us the money to deposit for sowing a Wedding Gown. 
     Me, that I took my wife to the Registry to ask about Court Marriage and they told us the money to pay for the event, it was a very small amount of money. It was around N170.00 (One Hundred and Seventy NAIRA). But we could not get the Money so we collected their forms and never returned with it because I could noIt get the  money required. 
     So we went to the Wedding without the Registry. So we never had Government Marriage Certificate until about Six years ago when and Embassy demanded for it, because we didn’t have the money for Court Marraige. 
All the  Money we got on our Wedding day was used to settle the debts of the printer who printed out Wedding Programs and other things. 
So, two days after our Wedding, we had no money on us again. 
The following Saturday we had a drama ministrations in ILESA, and we stood beside the road looking for “Lift” to ministration venue. 
But here we are sponsored by GRACE, I thank God I did nt marry a lady who would put me on unwarranted pressures and unnecessary constraints. 
Glory be to God for GLORIA!"-Mike Bamiloye's post on X-platform (2024).

"My mum called me to her room one day & said God showed her that a lady took me to a private place & was going to have sex with me.

I said God forbid…
She said watch out and pray. I did

2 days later while I was reading after school. I unusually stayed back to read for exams. I usually read at home. I was in SS3 & also the senior prefect/head boy of the school.

This girl whom I liked as a friend walked up to me & said she wants to show me something. She is a classmate & I somewhat trusted her so I went with her. She took me to the last floor of an uncompleted building within the premise of the school. At the time, the school was empty.

When we got there, wondering what she wanted to show me, she started kissing me & taking off her clothes. At the point, I lost my senses, like a spell was on me; but God’s mercies brought my mom’s dream to my thoughts & I pulled off immediately, packed my stuff and ran home.

This woman, God had used her to deliver me multiple times & I celebrate & thank her for always being there."-Don Tobechukwu Ade's post on X-platform (2024).
Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing Without Beating About The Bush.

Cleva: An International Payment Platform For Africans.

Monday 23 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #118.

"The Egyptians called Aloe the ‘Plant of immortality’.

Greek scientists referred to it as the ‘Universal panacea’.

Aloe Vera contains 75 potentially active constituents, from vitamins to amino acids.

Here are 6 amazing benefits of Aloe Vera. 👇🏼

1. It accelerates wound healing

Aloe Vera promotes wound healing by not only increasing collagen content, but changing the composition as well. 

It soothes the skin, heals minor cuts and sun burns.

2. Good moisturizing agent

Aloe Vera contains mucopolysaccharides that help to bind moisture into the skin.

It is perfect for both dry and oily skin. It softens hardened skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Has anti inflammatory properties

Aloe Vera contains an anti inflammatory compound called C-glucosyl chromone.

It reduces skin redness and inflammation.

It is also beneficial for people prone to allergic reactions like eczema, and psoriasis.

4. Improves digestive health 

Aloe Vera juice is a potent laxative. It increases intestinal water content and peristalsis.

This means it prevents constipation and soothes issues like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome

5. Supports immune function

Aloe Vera contains antioxidants like Vitamins C and E, that target free radicals in the body.

This helps boost immune function and protect the body from infections.

6. Anti viral and anti tumor activity

Aloe Vera contains anthraquinones that inactivates viruses like herpes simplex, varicella zoster and influenza.

There’re also studies that show the gel is beneficial in cancer chemo prevention.

In summary, why should you use Aloe Vera gel or drink it’s juice?

- For your skin, it increases the production of collagen and reduces wrinkles.

- For minor cuts and sunburn, it soothes and heals the surface of the wound.

- For your digestive system, it prevents constipation and helps to heal sores in the stomach.

- For immune function, it boosts your immune system.

- For allergic reactions, it is anti inflammatory and soothes skin redness.

Have you used Aloe Vera before? Was it effective?"-Pharm. Oluoma's post on X-platform (2024).

"Billionaire CEO of Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson, paid a surprise visit to one of Virgin Atlantic branches and found an employee napping on a couch. He took a photo beside him and published it with the following:  "In order to remain the first company in the customers' satisfaction, this employee worked so hard and now he's so tired, which forced him to rest a little."
Perspectives and Perception are key drivers in life. While he sees him as a tired employee that needed some rest, another boss somewhere may see it as sleeping on duty. It's always good to view things from other perspectives and also put a human face to it. Much Respect, Sir Branson!"-©️ Betty's Desk

"Size does not always determine victory. A machete can cut down a tree, but it can’t shave your beard, while a razor blade can’t cut down trees, but it can shave your beard. Success lies in wait for you when you focus on your area of strength. If a razor tries to cut down a tree, it will be a failure in life. 

So, stop comparing yourself to others. Everything shines when it is its time. Whether the sun, moon, or stars. Take you for example. You don’t put on your lights during the day because it is not the right time. You, too, will shine. Your time is coming soon. 

Everyone is not in the same time zone as you. When it is night in Australia, it is still morning in America. Thus, don’t compare yourself to others whose time has come. 

An elephant is pregnant for two years. A rabbit is pregnant for a month. Rats are pregnant for just two weeks. The length differs because their offspring are different. You’re pregnant with an enormity. Don’t compare yourself to someone pregnant with mediocrity. That orange is in season doesn’t mean corn won’t have its own season. Wait for your season!"-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Sunday 22 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #117.

Two Moons In The Sky From 29/09/2024 to 25/11/2024? Imminent sign of the rapture?👇👇👇

Dear Reader, Excerpts of the said testimony are presented as follows:''

‘‘By the special grace of God, I came across the gospel of Jesus Christ some years back. While confessing my sins on my knees in prayers, pleading for forgiveness with faith in the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, Jesus showed me mercy and saved my soul (I became born again). I pressed forward in prayers; He sanctified my soul and later baptized me with the Holy Ghost and fire.  On Thursday, July 30, 2015, I heard an audible voice that said to me, “You will embark on a journey from which you might either return or not.” This happened right in the Tabernacle while I was praying on my knees, just immediately after the Faith Clinic by my District Superintendent (DS) during the Worker’s Conference that preceded the recently concluded annual camp meeting of The Apostolic Faith Church at Faith City, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria. Thereafter, I began to have some strange feelings of sickness in my body that made people to ask what happened to me. In faith, I replied, “All is well.” At 12:02am on Sunday, August 2, 2015 as I was sleeping in the dormitory where I was lodged, an unseen hand woke me up and I heard the same audible voice again, this time telling me to go to the tabernacle to pray. At this time, I was so sick and feeling as though my head was spilt into two. Owing to this, I started whispering some prayers as I lay down. After much reluctance on my part, I heard the same voice again saying, “Go to the Tabernacle and I will heal you.” In obedience, I managed to get up and went to the tabernacle. On getting there, I wrote a prayer request asking God for healing. I had no strength to kneel down again but could only manage to lie down at the altar to pray. I beckoned to a nearby usher to get me any minister of God around to pray for me. At that point, it seemed the end had come. I remembered the usher came back alone, knelt down beside me and started praying for me. (It was after the whole incident, the usher later narrated to me he did that at the bidding of the minister he saw and that on his way  back to me he heard the audible voice of Jesus that I sustained satanic arrows attack). As he was praying for me I realized my strength was reducing and my voice going down gradually as I was answering “Amen” till I could not utter anymore word. That was all I remembered while I was here. Then I discovered I (my spirit) was moved out of my body; and as my spirit stood up, I saw my body lying down flat on the floor with shot arrows before my body. As I turned away from my body, I saw the Lord Jesus standing beside me, full of glory and was wearing a glowing face, so glowing that I could not look at His face. He told me to look into the darkness at western part of the tabernacle (West Pavilion side). I saw some people inside the darkness shooting arrows to my body that was lying on the floor (then I realized the sickness was as a result of the attack). I then anxiously asked Him who those firing these arrows were, but He told me I did not have to know them. In a twinkling of an eye, we were out of the tabernacle and in a very different atmosphere; the place was filled with glory: beautiful houses, awesome scenery, more than words could express. I immediately knew we were in Heaven. Jesus then took me to a very beautiful house that I can not describe with words. That was the second time He would take me to that particular house. (The first incident was on an earlier account when He took me to Heaven). There I saw people that wore white garment like myself moving toward the other side of Heaven together with me. Then I came to a river in front of me, and as I tried to cross over, I could not while others that were wearing same white garment did freely. The more I tried to, the more difficult it became and Jesus was looking at me. That prompted me to request Jesus to let me cross over. But He said in His response that “those that crossed over can not come back to the earth”. I then started pleading with Him to let me cross the river so that I would not come back to earth in order to escape the pains and struggles I was going through on earth. Then, the Lord Jesus told me He would not allow my corpse to be taken back home from camp meeting so that my demise may not drive people away from Him. At this time, I did not remember I have a wife, children or any earthly possessions. When Jesus would not permit me in spite of my persistent pleading to let me cross over, I reminded Him of my sufferings on earth. That was when Jesus then told me He permitted everything to happen to me. (Things have been so rough for me generally from my childhood and that continued even after I met Christ; from one battle to the other). The Lord Jesus went further to quote Revelation 13:7, “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred, and tongues, and nations.” To my joy, He also added Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” After realizing the seriousness of His stand not to let me over, I asked for the Late Rev. Soyinka, the second Africa Overseer of The Apostolic Faith Church. He replied, “That is my true servant and in here (Heaven) with me”. I further asked of our third Africa Overseer, the Late Rev. Paul Akazue. He told me he is equally with Him in Heaven, but having sustained injury, He had to take him early in order for His work not to suffer. In another twinkling of an eye, we were back in the Tabernacle on the campground and the Lord took me to different lodging centers for campers. Our first place of visit was the lodging place of my DS where we met him praying on his knees in the night (this gladdened my heart). We left there for the lodging dormitory upstairs, above the “Information Centre” where I was lodged with other ministers. We met people sleeping physically, but many, according to Jesus, were more deeply asleep spiritually. Jesus pointed to my pastor who was physically sleeping but not asleep spiritually and said; “he is mine”. We thereafter found ourselves (Jesus and I) back in the Tabernacle. Meanwhile, we never walked to any of those places we went to, the movement was at the speed of thought. There were people praying very fervently in the Tabernacle but the Lord Jesus said something very sad. He said people were not ready for His coming. I was surprised at that and now asked about those people that were praying. In His response, He said MANY OF THEM ARE INSIDE THE HOUSE AND CRYING TO HIM FOR RESCUE WHILE THEY ARE DENYING HIM ACCESS TO DO THE RESCUE BY LOCKING THE DOOR OF THE ROOM WHILE HE (JESUS) IS WAITING OUTSIDE TO DELIVER THEM BUT COULD NOT ENTER SINCE THE DOOR IS LOCKED. Jesus also added that people today are particular about “all these things” that He promised would be added effortlessly if they would seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness. (Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”).He went further to say many had their names initially written in the Book of Life but because of the cares and pursuits of the things of this world, they forget to prepare for His coming, and their names are removed from the Book of Life. They do not remember HOME again but are rather praying for earthly things, “all these things”, while forgetting to continually “seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness”. Interestingly, He said He still have few who are renewing and retaining their names in the Book of Life daily by washing in His blood. He now added that all things are set in Heaven for His coming but only few are ready; just like a drop of water in a bowl. Jesus then specifically said He is sending me back to the world for a particular purpose: to tell people that HIS COMING IS VERY, VERY IMMINENT AND AS A MATTER OF FACT LESS THAN ‘1 HOUR’. He also gave me a particular message for my wife (that was the moment I remembered I was married and had children). I then replied Jesus that how would that be, since I am not a pastor, neither an overseer nor a man of many words? The Lord Jesus replied and said He would back me up whenever and wherever I am to give the testimony. Jesus added that there would be three categories of people that would listen to my testimony. The first would hear the word and spread it, the second group will hear and amend their ways and He will save them, the third group will disregard the warning and perish. Jesus Christ was greeting and congratulating me but I did not answer since I was not happy just because He wanted me to come back. Having noticed that in me, HE said, “I will be with you.”At last Jesus asked me to return to my body that was lying on the floor on the altar in the Tabernacle.  As I was reluctant, He instructed me the second time and I entered. That was when I woke up and started crying. I was still seeing Jesus Christ standing as I stood up physically and I noticed the headache and the whole sickness had disappeared. Jesus Christ later vanished from my sight while I was sharing the testimony with the same usher that prayed with me. I traveled back home to Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria that very Sunday. I was surprised to later hear that my DS said in his sermon that very day that Jesus told him the name of many have been removed from the Book of Life but promised to deliver them if they would repent and pray. It was also mentioned in his subsequent words of admonition during the camp meeting that many are half-dead spiritually and pursuing material things in their prayers. This confirms the spirit of God to be one. IT COULD HAPPEN IN A MOMENT FROM NOW. If you haven’t given your life to Christ, or already derailed in your focus, there is no better time than NOW to make amend and right the wrongs! Please pray and make a decision today. Which of the three groups you want to belong? I plead with you to please be part of those that will amend their ways and also partake in sharing the message. Please do not keep this message to yourself, help share with as many people as you come across in all platforms.’’


Source: Jesus Is Coming Back Soon

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchants

Cleva: An International Payment Platform For Africans.

Friday 20 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #116.


"One reason people resist change is that they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain."-Anonymous author.

"The fact that you are a Christian does not in any way take romance out of your marriage. Marriage is the only institution where romance and intimacy is allowed between a man and a woman. Some pastors hardly go on dates with their spouses because they consider such a romantic activity as a distraction from their focus on spiritual matters. Some of them don’t even play with their spouses anymore. Beloved, the anointing does not reduce the need for romance in marriage.

Isaac was an anointed man of God and a successful businessman, yet in Genesis 26:8,  the Bible says he was being romantic with his wife:

And it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window, and saw, and, behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah his wife.

Don’t become too rigid in your marriage; don’t have more fun elsewhere without your spouse. Make the times that you and your spouse spend together so much fun that you are always looking forward to seeing each other again. If you are married, remember how you used to talk for long hours with your spouse before you got married and had children; revive that relationship again. Your spouse is still the same fellow you were very fond of, and the things you loved in him or her are still there. Don’t let all the cares of this life distract you from the gems in your spouse.

Once in a while, compose a poem for your spouse and read it to him or her in a romantic setting. Spice things up with pleasant surprises every now and then. Write a note and put it in his or her bag so that when they get to the office and open their bag, they will see the note and smile. Have a pet name that you call each other behind closed doors. Up until today, there is a pet name my wife calls me when we are alone. I equally have a pet name that I call her, and every time I call her by that name, she cannot but smile at me lovingly. When we are alone, we are lovers, not Daddy G.O and Mummy G.O. Your marriage can be like heaven on earth if you and your spouse are deliberate about remaining the lovebirds that you were when you first got married. Don’t let the romance die.


One of the ways to ensure that your marriage remains like heaven on earth is to keep the romance alive."-Pastor Adeboye's post on X-platform (2024).

"You can have a pencil, but if you don't sharpen it, it won't write. Apply that to wealth building. Wealth comes from knowledge. You have a brain. But if you don't sharpen your mind by reading, you won't be leading in wealth. You know the lyrics to Asake's latest songs. You know all the latest salacious gossip about AY and the risky boy. You know who is doing who in your neighbourhood and where and when they do what they do. 

But you don't know about Cryptocurrencies, the Nasdaq 100 and the Nasdaq Composite, Blockchain, the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, REITS, Russel 2000, Wiltshire 5000, NFTs, the Metaverse, Digital wallet, Minting, Smart Contracts, Crypto mining, Futures Market, etc. And you don't know because you don't sharpen the pencil of your mind by reading. 

In the year of 2024, poverty is a choice. Wealth will run to you if you develop your mind and acquire knowledge. If you fail to sharpen your mind, wealth will run from you. And you don't even have to take a course anymore. All of this knowledge is available to you on the Internet. 

Read the free digital copies of the Business Insider, Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Forbes to learn about emerging technologies so your investments can be up to tomorrow. That is how to transform information into knowledge and, from there to wealth."-Reno Omokri's post on X-platform (2024).

Learn and Master the Essential Principles and Practice of Marketing in Four Days Without Beating About The Bush or Else Get a Refund.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #115.


"1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the way any Man can make it and even more.

2: Tell her to step into the FIELD not the BED to make money. Money from the field comes with dignity, money from the Bed comes with STD.

3: Let your daughter know that she need to trade her brain not her privates to make money.

4: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a rich man, but to work to become rich girl.

5: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a Governor but to work to become the President.

6: Train your daughter that the instrument of money making is under the Hat not under the skirt.

7: Train your Daughter never to Man-hunt but to focus her focus and she will become the focus of many Men.

8: Train your daughter that no man can love her like God, so she must never trade her relationship with God with a relationship with any Man.

9: Train your daughter that internet never forget or forgive, let her know that the foolish post she makes in the internet can depose her from her post tomorrow.

10: Tell your daughter that time wait for no man, if she waste her time with a foolish man, she will wake up one day to discover that it is night time.

11: Tell your daughter that life give back what you give into it, wickedness will be fully repaid.

12: Tell your daughter that beauty is not in exposing nakedness, it is dressing to look like a Queen.

13: Tell your daughter that she is a princess and not a prostitute, tell her to dress to prove she is.

14: Tell your daughter that it is a great wickedness to sleep with the husband of another Woman.

15: let her know that married men do not love her, they only see her as available sex toy to satisfy the urge in them.

16: Let your daughter know that the best friend she can keep is God, He can not disappoint her.

17: let your daughter know that beauty without brain makes one look like a Decorated pig.

18: teach your daughter to believe in herself because she is capable of doing whatever she believes she can do.

19: Teach your daughter never to think that wealth is  sexually transmitted. Sleeping with wealthy men will only make her a whore not wealthy.

20: tell your daughter good look does not make a man a good Man. He can have 6 PACKS and be a PACK of trouble.

21: teach your daughter never to be a Run girl because run girls normally RUN into trouble.

22: Tell your daughter knowing God is not negotiable and being righteous should be her entire Life principle.

23: Tell your daughter time go fast and wait for no one, she should stop thinking she has time to waste, she should get up now before it is too late.

24: Tell your daughter nobody wants to marry a liability, every man is looking for Help-meet not help-eat.

25: Tell your daughter she must have her own sources of income. A woman without her own sources of income will be embarrassed by her husband, in law and even her own Children.

26: Tell your daughter it is not all that glitters that are gold Some May even be a ball of fire.

27: Tell your daughter her body is not for sale but to preserve it for the man that deserve it after her wedding.

28: Tell your daughter failure is not the end but a bend.

29: Tell your daughter there is no height she can not attain, if she can just dare it.

30: Tell your daughter courtship is not marriage, she can still let go any man with red flags.

31: Tell your daughter that a broken courtship is not a divorce she can still get out of relationship at any time before wedding.

32: Tell your daughter she is beautiful, if a guy tells her she is, she will say my Dad told me too.

33: Tell your daughter never to be a run girl, because this will ruin her future and destiny.

34: Tell your daughter that Marriage is more important than Wedding, she should take more time to prepare for marriage than wedding.

35: Tell your daughter Love is not enough for marriage, commitment, faithfulness, purity, contentment, communication, training etc are needed.

36: Tell your daughters that attitude is more than beauty.

38: Tell your daughter Labour bring favour

39: Tell your daughter she is not to submit to Men but her husband

40: Tell your daughter that marriage choice making may bring PAIN OR GAIN

41: Tell your daughter that it is not all Professors of love that are POSSESSORS OF LOVE, He may say I love you, he might actually mean I love sex."-Anonymous author.

"Anyone who can make you angry, becomes your master."-Epictetus.

"Sometime in 2003, a man who worked inside the International Bible Training Centre (IBTC) Ayobo with a hunchback was going about his daily activity in the morning.

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi was taking a stroll within the vicinity, as he was residing inside IBTC at the time.
The man saw Pastor Kumuyi just across the road, he walked up to him to greet him. He bowed his head to greet him, & pastor in response tapped him on his back to say hello, not even thinking in his mind that he had a hunchback.

As Pastor Kumuyi tapped him on his back, the man’s back straightened immediately & the hunchback disappeared.
The man jumped in joy shouting in tears of what just happened. Other workers within IBTC heard of what happened, & gathered to celebrate this strange miracle that morning.

I have seen raw miracles;
I have seen the supernatural;
And I believe there is a God in heaven who can do what seems impossible with man."-Don Tobechukwu Ade's post on X-platform (2024).
Pastor W. F. Kumuyi.

Derinco & Associates: Business Consultants and General Merchant

Inspirational Quotes From Social Media, #121.

335. "THE TEN (10) MOST TESTED PROVEN WAYS TO MAKE YOUR CHICKEN LAY MORE EGGS."-Jean Claude Niyomugabo's post on X-platform (2...